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Subject: Re: [docbook-comment] Visit card as QR Code

Thank you Bob : I'll follow your advice.

For information, in order to generate QR Codes, I've written a basic stylesheet to convert some person-related information into a vCard.

If someone is interested, it's there....
Le mercredi 15 mai 2019 Ã 18:24:28 UTC+2, Bob Stayton <bobs@sagehill.net> a Ãcrit :

It looks like either of these would work in DocBook 5.1:




Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
On 5/14/2019 10:54 PM, Alemps Florimond wrote:

Has anyone integrated a QR code as a media object in the element <person> ?

<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
                exclude-result-prefixes="db  xlink"

<xsl:output method="text" />

  Written by ntuflorimond@yahoo.com
  Purpose : turn personal information into vCard format
<xsl:template match="db:person|db:author|db:editor" mode="vcard">
  <xsl:call-template name="person.vcard" />

<xsl:template name="person.vcard">
  <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text> <!-- newline character -->
  <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text> <!-- newline character -->

  <xsl:value-of select=".//db:honorific" />
  <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
  <xsl:value-of select=".//db:firstname" />
  <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
  <xsl:value-of select=".//db:surname" />
  <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
  <xsl:value-of select=".//db:lineage" />
  <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text> <!-- newline character -->

  <xsl:apply-templates mode="vcard" />


<!-- ==================================================================== -->

<xsl:template match="db:personname" mode="vcard" >
  <xsl:apply-templates select="db:firstname|db:surname|db:othername|db:honorific|db:givenname|db:lineage" mode="vcard" />
  <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text> <!-- newline character -->

<xsl:template match="db:firstname|db:surname|db:othername|db:honorific|db:givenname|db:lineage" mode="vcard">
  <xsl:value-of select="." />
  <xsl:if test="not( position() = last())">

<xsl:template match="db:othername" mode="vcard">
  <xsl:value-of select="." />
  <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text> <!-- newline character -->

<xsl:template match="db:imagedata" mode="vcard">
<!-- To be implemented : easy if base64 encoded ( I guess) -->

<xsl:template match="db:date" mode="vcard">
  <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text> <!-- newline character -->

<xsl:template match="db:address" mode="vcard">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="db:street|db:otheraddr|db:pob|db:postcode|db:city|db:state|db:country" mode="vcard"/>
  <xsl:apply-templates select="*[not(self::db:street)][not(self::db:otheraddr)][not(self::db:pob)][not(self::db:postcode)][not(self::db:city)][not(self::db:state)][not(self::db:country)]" mode="vcard"/>

<xsl:template match="db:street|db:otheraddr|db:pob|db:postcode|db:city|db:state|db:country" mode="vcard">
  <xsl:if test="1 = position()">
  <xsl:value-of select="string(.)" />
    <xsl:when test="not( position() = last())">
      <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text> <!-- newline character -->

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:phone" mode="vcard">
  <xsl:variable name="spec">
    <xsl:if test="@remap">
      <xsl:value-of select="concat(';TYPE=&quot;',@remap,'&quot;')" />
  <xsl:value-of select="concat('TEL',$spec,':',string(.))" />
  <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text> <!-- newline character -->

<xsl:template match="db:email" mode="vcard">
  <xsl:value-of select="string(.)" />
  <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text> <!-- newline character -->

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<!-- Time zone
<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<!-- GPS
<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:jobtitle" mode="vcard">

<!-- Function
<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:imagedata" mode="vcard">
<!-- To be implemented : easy if base64 encoded ( I guess) -->

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:personblurb" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:uri" mode="vcard">
  <xsl:value-of select="string(.)" />
  <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text> <!-- newline character -->

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">

<xsl:template match="db:" mode="vcard">


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