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Subject: Groups - DocBook Publishers SC modified

Added minutes from this meeting

 -- Keith Fahlgren

DocBook Publishers SC has been modified by Keith Fahlgren

Date:  Tuesday, 04 August 2009
Time:  12:00pm - 01:00pm PT

Event Description:
Dial US/Canada toll-free number: 1-866-699-3239
Participant Code: 16948621

Attendance at teleconferences is restricted to members
(and prospective members) of the subcommittee.

The DocBook SC uses irc://freenode/dbpub for additional
conference features, such as exchanging URIs, providing out-of-band comments, and other aspects of the teleconference, so please join us there if at all possible.

1. Roll call

2. Accepting the minutes[1] of the previous meeting.

3. Next meeting: Tuesday, 06 Oct 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT

4. Review of the agenda.

5. Review of open action items
a. All: look for good examples of dialog and poetry & submit to Keith
b. All: look for good examples of legal markup (STALLED)
c. Scott: Ask on DocBook list if we should include common.linking.attributes, based on """Common Linking Attributes"""

6. Proposed Roadmap
a. Identify elements that should be part of Core DocBook
b. Identify potential "modules" for elements currently part of DocBook but belonging to a particular domain.
c. Recommend Core DocBook and proposed modules to DocBook TC
d. Identify general publishing needs not currently met by DocBook
e. Identify additional specific domains within publishing industry that may need specific modules.
f. develop RFEs from identified needs
g. develop DocBook v5.0 schema enhancements from RFEs
h. submit schema enhancements for approval to DocBook TC

7. Review Publishers Spec comment: http://markmail.org/message/3obs4oftbuegevrk?q=list:org%2Eoasis-open%2Elists%2Edocbook+publishers+comment 

8. Review of Requests for Enhancement

1. Roll call

Dick Hamilton, Scott Hudson, Keith Fahlgren

2. Accepting the minutes[1] of the previous meeting.


3. Next meeting: Tuesday, 06 Oct 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT

(Skipping Sept)

4. Review of the agenda.

* Schema bug discovered by Scott

5. Review of open action items
a. All: look for good examples of dialog and poetry & submit to Keith
b. All: look for good examples of legal markup 
c. Scott: Ask on DocBook list if we should include common.linking.attributes, based on """Common Linking Attributes"""

6. Proposed Roadmap
a. Identify elements that should be part of Core DocBook
b. Identify potential "modules" for elements currently part of DocBook but belonging to a particular domain.
c. Recommend Core DocBook and proposed modules to DocBook TC
d. Identify general publishing needs not currently met by DocBook
e. Identify additional specific domains within publishing industry that may need specific modules.
f. develop RFEs from identified needs
g. develop DocBook v5.0 schema enhancements from RFEs
h. submit schema enhancements for approval to DocBook TC
* Complete to here

7. Review Publishers Spec comment: http://markmail.org/message/3obs4oftbuegevrk?q=list:org%2Eoasis-open%2Elists%2Edocbook+publishers+comment 
* Scott asked Cdric Pronzato to make his comments on the formal comments list
* Review of Cdric Pronzato's submitted Powerpoint 
  - He believes line, linegroup, and speaker sound fine but questions drama, poetry, and dialog
  - Drama and poetry are well distinguished
  - Drama and dialog are not well distinguished
    * Dave Pawson agreed with this
    * He believes drama needs more semantics:
      - Cast of characters
        * General agreement
        * Request two examples, one of which cannot be Shakespeare
Scott: Request two examples of cast of characters, one of which cannot be Shakespeare

      - Scene, Act
        * Keith suggests using the DocBook block model inside these elements. Use hierarchical  + @role
        * We should try to enable people to use a flexible model to accomplish real work.
      - Scene description
        * DocBook model already has some alternatives for this

    * Should  be a root-level element or should it only be allowed in ? 
      - Keith suggests that these new (remaining) elements should be allowed as "start"s in the RNC 
    * How do we distinguished labeled linegroups?: @label
  - Screenplay:
    * Keith asserts that this is out of scope given the SubCommittee Charter
    * Scott believes that a screenplay could be shoved into this model
Scott: Respond with SubCommittee thoughts on Cdric's proposals

8. Review of Requests for Enhancement

9. Schema bug discovered by Scott
* Scott tried to write a paper according to the spec & discovered that a table isn't supported 
* We need to add explicit "includes" for some chunk components, it's just a packaging problem with the schema itself

Scott: Update the schema to correct this include bug fix and allowing drama, dialog, and poetry to be starting elements.

* Scott will be speaking about DocBook 5.0 & the SubCommittee at the XML Conference in October.


This event is one in a list of recurring events.
Other event dates in this series:

Tuesday, 03 March 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Tuesday, 07 April 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Tuesday, 05 May 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Tuesday, 02 June 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Tuesday, 07 July 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Tuesday, 01 September 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Tuesday, 06 October 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Tuesday, 03 November 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Tuesday, 01 December 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Tuesday, 05 January 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Tuesday, 02 February 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Tuesday, 02 March 2010, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT

View event details:

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application may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to
copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web

PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN
X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar
SUMMARY:DocBook Publishers SC
DESCRIPTION:Dial US/Canada toll-free number: 1-866-699-3239\nParticipant Code:
  16948621\n\nAttendance at teleconferences is restricted to
  members\n(and prospective members) of the subcommittee.\n\nThe DocBook
  SC uses irc://freenode/dbpub for additional\nconference features\,
  such as exchanging URIs\, providing out-of-band comments\, and other
  aspects of the teleconference\, so please join us there if at all
  possible.\n\nGroup: DocBook Publishers SC\nCreator: Keith Fahlgren

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