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Subject: Re: Minutes from 14/15 June 2000

Revised minutes below. If no one posts an objection before next Friday
(7/14), I'll post them to the website. The only changes are two additions
to the top of the RFE list (Dennis reminded me that I forgot to minute

<webpage id="min20000614">
<config param="rcsdate" value="$Date: 2000/02/15 21:44:58 $"/>
<config param="filename" value="min20000614.html"/>
<config param="dir" value="meetings"/>
<title>DocBook TC Minutes, 14/15 June 2000</title>
<summary>Meeting minutes</summary>

<para>These notes summarize the DocBook Technical Committee (TC) meeting that
took place in Paris on 14 and 15 June 2000 as part of the OASIS meetings
colocated with XML Europe '00.</para>

<sect1><title>14 June</title>


<listitem><para>Terry Allen</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Dennis Evans</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Eduardo Gutentag</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Norman Walsh (Chair)</para></listitem>



<listitem><para>Review and approve DocBook 4.1 changes</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Review RFEs</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Discuss parameter entity reorganization</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Discuss XML Schema</para></listitem>

<title>Review and approve DocBook V4.1</title>

<para>Moved: we approve V4.1 with the minor changes previously
outlined: fixing FPIs, comments, and the version number in the

<para>The motion was adopted without objection.</para>

<para>If 4.1 contains errors, let's make it possible to fix them without
a teleconference or face-to-face meeting:</para>

<para>Moved: we agree that future versions of 4.x can be released by the editor
without formal vote, provided that members of the docbook-tc mailing list
are given 5 business days to raise objections and no such objections are

<para>The motion was adopted without objection.</para>

<title>New RFEs</title>

<varlistentry><term>Add introductory material to lists</term>
<listitem><para>Authors sometimes need to provide a paragraph or two
of description before the items of a list. These paragraphs are considered
to be part of the list, so it's perhaps not appropriate to put them
before the list. Procedure already allows this structure. Consider
adding &lt;listintro&gt; before listitem* in the list content models.

<varlistentry><term>Add floating non-hierarchical structure</term>
<listitem><para>Authors would like the ability to add non-hierarchical
sections (like Bridgehead) that are proper containers (like Sidebar).
Consider adding &lt;division&gt;.

<varlistentry><term>Issue 117: Add support for DOI in meta</term>
We see that DOI will not be the only object identifier.
We will add biblioid and citebiblioid with a class attribute. The
legal values of this attribute will be: urn, doi, isbn, issn, pubnumber.
The elements isbn, issn, and pubnumber are deprecated. FU that we will
remove them in 6.0.

<varlistentry><term>Issue 120: Add macro element for marking up macros in programming languages</term>
<listitem><para>Macro already exists as a class of systemitem. See 
<link linkend="action200006">action items</link>; we need a design principal
for when to add new inlines or new class attributes.

<varlistentry><term>Issue 121: Add markup for signals</term>
Need more info. What other sorts of things are like this. Rather than
adding new inlines for signal specifically, we'd like to come up with
an element that was more general and add class values. Perhaps "Event"
and "EventHandler"?

<varlistentry><term>Issue 122: Add markup for troubleshooting</term>
Rejected: this seems to be too application specific. Suggest Procedure
with role and possibly other inline markup or a local extension.

<varlistentry><term>Issue 123: Add markup to support specifications</term>
Rejected: we consider this is out-of-scope for DocBook, but he should
consider RosettaNet which is doing product spec sheets and similar
sorts of things.

<varlistentry><term>Issue 124: Add markup for hostnames and other host identifiers</term>
We already have a class on systemitem for systename. We suggest that these
are further useful class values for systemitem but do not warrant a unique
element name. We'll add the following class attributes to systemitem:
domainname, fqdomainname, ipaddress, netmask, etheraddress. We consider
hostname already covered by systemname.

<varlistentry><term>Issue 125: Add markup for usernames</term>
<listitem><para>Username already exists as a class of systemitem.

<varlistentry><term>Issue 126: Allow SimpleSect in Section</term>
<listitem><para>We will add SimpleSect to the end of Section.

<varlistentry><term>Issue 127: Add 'dissertation' to list of article classes</term>

<varlistentry><term>Issue 128: Better support for typing and linking in funcdef</term>
We'll add type to the content model of funcdef and paramdef to allow
authors to specify that types are in fact types. Linking will be handled
by XLink in some future version.

<varlistentry><term>Issue 129: Support easier installation</term>
The committee welcomes such efforts, but is unwilling to undertake the
issue directly. There's too much variability across platforms.

<varlistentry><term>Issue 130: Add inline markup for protocols, FS types, and partitions</term>
Protocol is another example of a case where we need to consider the design
more carefully (what other things are like protocols); in the meantime use
literal, phrase, or some other markup with a role attribute.
We'll add 'filesystem' to the class attribute of systemitem.
We'll add 'partition' to the class attribute of filename.

<varlistentry><term>Issue 131: Simplify citerefentry markup</term>
<listitem><para>Considered and rejected.

<sect3><title>Discuss parameter entity reorganization</title>
<para>Discussion continues.</para>
<sect3><title>Discuss XML Schema</title>
<para>Discussion continues.</para>

<sect1><title>15 June</title>


<listitem><para>Terry Allen</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Dennis Evans</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Norman Walsh (Chair)</para></listitem>


<listitem><para>Review and approve DocBook 4.1 changes</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Review RFEs</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Discuss parameter entity reorganization</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Discuss XML Schema</para></listitem>

<sect3><title>Discuss parameter entity reorganization</title>
<para>Discussion continues.</para>
<sect3><title>Discuss XML Schema</title>
<para>Discussion continues.</para>

<sect1 id="action200006"><title>Action Items</title>

<listitem><para>norm: Remind list about EBNF. If there's no comment in
1 month, we'll just close the issue.
<listitem><para>norm: Remind list about coregion. If no one expresses
need, we'll just close the issue.

<listitem><para>Dennis: survey the landscape of technical inlines and
propose a design principal.



                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | All our foes are mortal.--Val\'ery
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | 
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

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