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Subject: Re: [docbook-tc] DocBook TC Meeting Agenda: 30 Nov 2001

As you can tell, I wasn't able to leave the meeting in time.  My apologies, especially considering I voted for having the meeting today.


At 10:48 AM 11/30/01 , you wrote:
>/ "Nancy (Paisner) Harrison" <nancyh@rational.com> was heard to say:
>| just an FYI;  a meeting related to our recent reorg has just been called for
>| today at 11.  I'm hoping to get out of it early, but I need to show up for at
>| least a little while.  I'll call in to the meeting as soon as I can get
>back to
>| my desk.
>Thanks for the heads-up.
>                                        Be seeing you,
>                                          norm
>Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | To achieve great things we must live as
>http://nwalsh.com/           | though we were never going to
>                              | die.--Vauvenargues

Nancy (Paisner) Harrison
Rational Software
Lexington  MA

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