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Subject: DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 15 April 2009

DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 15 April 2009

The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday, 15 April 2009 at
01:00p EDT (10:00a PDT, 17:00GMT, 18:00BST, 19:00CEST, 02:00JST+,
022:30p India+) for 30 minutes.

1. Roll call

Present: Scott Hudson, Dick Hamilton, Nancy Harrison,
Jirka Kosek, Larry Rowland, Bob Stayton, Norm Walsh.

Absent: Jim Earley, Patricia Gee, Gershon Joseph, Corey
Leong, Dave Pawson, John Pederson, Pine Zhang

Regrets:  Keith Falhgren, Paul Grosso, Richard Kwan

2. Accepted the minutes [1] of the previous meeting.

3. Next meeting: 20 May 2009

No regrets so far.

4. Review of the agenda.

No new items.

5. Review of open action items

  a. Bob to organize TDG reading after names are fixed.

  b. Norm to write up a backwards compatibility policy document.

  c. Norm to incorporate group parameter change (RFE 1998852) into the 
     for 5.1.

  d. Norm to update OASIS site for 5.0 spec and schema.

  e. Norm to update spec to include public and system identifiers
     for the 5.0 DTD version.

  f. Jirka to add schema comparison table to DocBook 5.0 Transition Guide.

  g. Norm to add floatstyle attribute to sidebar for 5.1.

  h. Norm to write up proposed content model for initializer.

  i. Norm to add subtitle to sidebar for 5.1.

  j. Norm to determine OASIS requirements for charter updates.

  k. Norm to work with Mary to make Publishing Subcommittee
     schema a Committee Working Draft.

  l. Norm to work with Keith and Scott to update the OASIS committee
     site to make the Publishing Subcommittee Working Draft
     publicly available.

  m. Norm to move DocBook 5.0 into the OASIS process
     for approval as an OASIS Standard.

  n. Dick will initiate an email discussion on how to
     present content models using more compact syntax.

  o. Larry to work up an complete assembly example
     with basic relationships.

  p. Norm to make available the "branding" icons he produced.

  q. Norm to incorporate Larry's new name element text into TDG.

  r. Norm to incorporate new @class attribute values for
     othercredit into 5.1.

6.  DocBook TC charter: news of update.

The recent vote regarding the charter changes passed unianimously.
Mary will announce it at some point.

7.  DocBook 5.0 standards update.

Norm submitted the information, and is waiting for Mary to
set up the OASIS ballot.

Norm is still looking for a more compact syntax for
the paper version of the DocBook 5.0 Definitive Guide,
which O'Reilly may publish.

8.  Policy for backwards compatible changes (Norm).

Norm posted his proposal [2].
There was one favorable comment.
It was moved and seconded to adopt the changes.  APPROVED.

ACTION: Norm to put the new backwards compatibility policy in the spec.

ACTION: Norm to put the new backwards compatibility policy in the
reference documentation.

9.  Publishing Subcommittee report.

Still trying to publish the working draft as a spec for review.

10. Using a map for modular DocBook.


11.  Review of Requests for Enhancement

    To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):


    RFEs to be considered
      1679665  Add better support for modular documentation


      1907003  biblioid content model too broad

Link elements make no sense inside a biblioid element.
These changes would be backwards incompatible, so we will
revisit this issue for version 6.0.

      2100736  initializer should allow constants


ACTION: Norm will update 5.1 with changes to initializer
content model.


[1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200903/msg00012.html
[2] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook/200903/msg00024.html

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

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