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Subject: DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 17 November 2010
DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 17 November 2010 ============================================================= The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday, 17 November 2010 at 01:00p EST (10:00a PST, 17:00GMT, 18:00BST, 19:00CEST, 02:00JST+, 022:30p India+) for 70 minutes. 1. Roll call Present: Paul Grosso, Dick Hamilton, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Jirka Kosek, Larry Rowland, Bob Stayton, Norm Walsh Regrets: Gershon Joseph 2. Accepted the minutes [1] of the previous meeting. 3. Next meeting: 15 December 2010 4. Review of the agenda. Add discussion of the namespace usage policy statement. 5. Review of open action items a. Norm to develop a proposal for maintaining the DocBook websites. CONTINUE b. Bob to write up a short policy statement about the use of the DocBook namespace. COMPLETED c. Bob to respond to RFE 3035565. COMPLETED d. Norm to publish an online version of DocBook 5.0 doc. CONTINUE e. Jirka to post the transclusion spec to docbook.org. CONTINUE 6. Namespace usage policy The committee agreed that the TC cannot police efforts by users to add elements to the DocBook namespace in their local applications. They just should not call it DocBook if they do. The committee is proposing the following text submitted by Norm to be included in the DocBook documentation: "DocBook is used throughout the world. As one would expect in such a broad context, DocBook is often customized to satisfy the requirements of specific organizations or projects. The DocBook TC encourages such customization and works hard to make sure that the schemas are as amenable to customization as possible. When customizers add new elements to DocBook, they often place those elements in the DocBook namespace (http://docbook.org/ns/docbook). There is historical precedent for this approach as DocBook's history pre-dates namespaces and even XML. Even without precedent, users would almost certainly encourage customizers to use the same namespace. In many cases it simplifies authoring and almost always simplifies the training of new authors. However, a new element introduced into the DocBook namespace by a local customization is not officially part of DocBook. Only the DocBook TC can introduce new elements into DocBook officially by publishing a new version of the standard with those elements. That means that the practice of adding new elements comes with a cost: the potential for confusion among authors familiar with different customizations and the costs associated with resolving any conflicts between interchange partners. The DocBook TC encourages customizers to think carefully about these costs and weight the potential tradoffs between unofficially adding elements to DocBook and using elements in their own namespace with care." ACTION: Norm to incorporate this into the official docs with appropriate links to the "If you change DocBook, it's not DocBook any more. 7. Publishing Subcommittee report. Scott said the publishing schema is now a published Committee Specification and no further work will be done on this version. The specs and schemas are available on the OASIS site. [4] There are no plans to make this an OASIS spec. 8. Reltables in modular DocBook. Much discussion of Larry's reltable examples, and reltables in general. Norm asked for explanations, and Larry and Nancy provided them. Norm finds reltables difficult to understand. Larry says they have implicit relationships. Bob mentioned that DITA has strongly typed topics for the columns, but DocBook topics do not. Nancy stated the goal: creating linking within an assembly. Larry found that doing the samples showed some features that would be useful, like directionality of links. ACTION: Larry to use his experience from the samples to create a fresh proposal for linking within assembly. 9. Transclusion in DocBook. Please see Jirka's updated proposal and discussion thread. [2] Continued to next meeting. 10. Discussion of Larry's help example in assembly and @type proposal. [3] Larry provided answers to questions. Members could see the need to add a type attribute to the assembly structure element. 11. Review of Requests for Enhancement To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line): http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&; group_id=21935&atid=384107&aid=XXXX RFEs to revisit for 6.0 1907003 biblioid content model too broad RFEs to be considered 1679665 Add better support for modular documentation 2820190 add a topic element 2820947 Ability to transclude text 3035565 Allow sections at any level 3107140 aconym expansion inline Meeting adjourned without discussion of RFEs. ----- [1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/201010/msg00011.html [2] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/201010/msg00001.html [3] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/201009/msg00007.html [4] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=docbook-publishers Bob Stayton Sagehill Enterprises bobs@sagehill.net
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