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Subject: Groups - Meeting Minutes 11 October 2017 uploaded

Submitter's message
DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 11 October 2017

The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday, 11 October 2017
(11am PDT, 12noon MDT, 1pm CDT, 2pm EDT, and 8pm CEST)

Attendance at teleconferences is restricted to members
(and prospective members) of the committee.
Dial-in information is available at: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/201708/msg00001.html


1. Roll call
Regrets: Bob
Attending: Dick, Scott, Larry

2. Accept the minutes [1] of the previous meeting (13 September 2017)

3. Next meeting: 8 November 2017
Dick cannot attend
ACTION: Send email to TC to confirm that 11/8 is okay for everyone else.

4. Review of the agenda.
No additions

5. Review of open action items

a: Jirka: create examples of specific license link types using RDFa
COMPLETE: See email from Jirka [2]
>>> Could the CC vocabulary be used with other licenses?
>>> ACTION: Larry: See if we can use this vocabulary for the examples Larry identified.
>>> ACTION: all: Look for other examples (e.g., Flickr) and try out the vocabulary.

b: Larry: create examples of how we might use an expanded legalnotice.
COMPLETE: See email [4]

c: Bob: revise broadcast message inviting interested people to join the DocBook based upon committee input at last meeting.
COMPLETE: See agenda item 7 below

e: Bob: Ask Jirka whether schema website has been updated.

f: all: Look for possible errata items and report to Bob.
COMPLETE: No new items reported. Next step is to approve as a committee note.
ACTION: Dick: Ask Bob what the next steps are for the errata.

g: Bob: Does OASIS require a new version number?

h: Larry: Look into allowing types (when used in method and function) to be more than 1 type.
FOLLOWUP: Larry: will ask submitter of issue 91 whether allowing multiple instances of type
will do, or if a wrapper is needed.
COMPLETE: Submitter agreed that a wrapper is not needed. See email[4]. Next step is to modify the schema.
ACTION: Jirka: Update schema for 5.2 to allow zero or more instances of type as described in issue 91
ACTION: Scott: Update Github 91 to show as accepted for 5.2. COMPLETE

i: Bob: Update documentation related to github issue 93

6. Assembly (see email from Bob[3])
>>> There is a disconnect in the TDG (5.1) regarding whether contentonly="yes" should
>>> strip out metadata (the info element). In one place it implies that metadata is preserved
>>> and elsewhere that metadata is stripped out. Review of minutes that discuss this issue
>>> was inconclusive.
>>> Opinion of the TC is that this operation should not remove metadata.

ACTION: Bob: confirm that the stylesheets operate as we believe they should and that
there are no implementation issues with resolving this issue as described above.
If there are no implementation issues, add this to the errata.

7. Future of DocBook
Discuss Bob's suggested message
ACTION: Bob: Send out the message. Also check with OASIS to see if it can be more broadly distributed.
ACTION: Scott: Research what it would take to create a social media presence for DocBook (e.g., twitter).

8. Review of Requests for Enhancement

To find a Github issue by number, enter the URL (on one line):

Open Issues (Note: items that have been accepted are still open on Github until included
in a release, but they are not listed here):

6 Add buildtarget element

54 Add XIncludes to Assembly Schema

71 license tag

72 The DocBook websites should really be using https

78 Schema website should be updated

88 DB 5.0: @name -> title change not published on docbook.org

91 Allow types (when used in method and function) to be more than 1 type.

93 Diff between doc of resource element and Assembly schema
>> Documentation for the resource element in assembly is incorrect (issue 93). Resulted from
>> changes in the feature that didn't get reflected in the documentation.
>> Need to review the documentation.

94 Allow subfigures
ACTION: Dick: Add to agenda for next meeting.

[1] https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/201709/msg00003.html
[2] https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/201710/msg00001.html
[3] https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/201709/msg00004.html
[4] https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/201709/msg00001.html

-- Mr. Richard Hamilton
Document Name: Meeting Minutes 11 October 2017

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Submitter: Mr. Richard Hamilton
Group: OASIS DocBook TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2017-10-11 12:02:39

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