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Subject: DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda: 13 MAY 2020

DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda: 13 MAY 2020


The DocBook Technical Committee will meet on Wednesday, 13 MAY 2020

(11am PDT, 12noon MDT, 1pm CDT, 2pm EDT, and 8pm CET)

  1. Roll call

  2. Accept the minutes [1] of the previous meeting (11 MAR 2020). 


  1. Next meeting: 10 JUN 2020

  2. We should record our historical milestones (and the Norm Rock Star video)! Contact Dick Hamilton for some additional insights.


  1. Review of open action items

a.   Extension for synopsis elements

            (Issue #111)

Need ALL to test before we can have a proposal to vote on. Larry has tested. No issues. Requester is already using in a local variant. Larry thinks it's in good shape. Need someone that is really good at schema to test (Jirka?). ACTION: Jirka to update schemas CONTINUED.

Regarding new synopsis element:

         Bob will ask Jirka to document  and test the schema

         Larry says the Definitive Guide will need to be updated to document the schema extensions, which will require some expertise.

         Bob suggests that perhaps we could ask Norm to update the Definitive Guide.

         Larry offered to collaborate with Norm or whomever will work on this and to draft useful descriptions of the multiple programing constructs  (the  C++ vs. python extensions for example) 

         No timeline was determined for either Jirka or Normâs efforts

b.        Bob to request schema change to Jirka/Norm to add the fix for 112 refentry in sect 1 CONTINUED.

c.    Bob to discuss with Jirka to create a beta with DocBook Library (https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/111) models. CONTINUED. 

d. Scott to discuss with Jirka to create a beta of DocBook Publishers v1.1 (based on 5.2), which includes the accepted additions/changes ( Issues 99, 86, 85, 84, 82, 81) CONTINUED.


6. Social media presence for DocBook

Purpose: To raise awareness of actions (votes, calls for information, etc.)

ACTION: Once 5.2 is ready, notify the list and social media for review and testing.


7. Remaining items for v5.2 Committee Spec

a.       DocBook for Publishers v1.1, want to see this through completion.

1.       Scott: Need to add Issues 99, 86, 85, 84, 82, 81 schema and formalize the release. Could this be done by Jirka at the same time as the 5.2 release?

b.       Library proposal should be included.   

1.       Should this be a separate module? Scott: easier to exclude if someone doesnât want it.

2.       Larry: Don't know if there is an easy way to include the module by default. Scott: should be very possible in RelaxNG. Bob: not a lot of new elements, so shouldn't be too burdensome. CONSENSUS: Include by default. ACTION: Bob to discuss with Jirka to create a beta with these models. 

                              c.  Status of build: 
   + Checklist [13/18]

     - [X] 14-Jun-17   allows multimediaparam in imagedata        [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/52][52]]

     - [X] 18-Jan-17   discontinue support for XSD   

     - [ ] 18-Jan-17   Allow revnumber inline                 [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/7][7]]

     - [ ] 18-Jan-17   (Re)allow recursive use of optional         [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/74][74]]

     - [ ] 21-Sep-16   license (legalsection)                 [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/291][291]]

     - [ ] 11-Apr-18   XInclude support to Assemblies         [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/54][54]]

     - [X] 11-Dec-19   Allow info in listitem                 [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/117][117]]

     - [X] 11-Oct-17   allow zero or more instances of type        [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/91][91]]

     - [X] 22-Jun-16   Allow Block Elements inside <abstract>        [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/58][58]]

     - [X] 22-Jun-16   Allow <modifier> within <paramdef>        [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/59][59]]

     - [X] 22-Jun-16   Allow <void> within <funcdef>          [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/60][60]]

     - [ ] 9-May-18    Fix namespaces and catalog (assembly)        [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/100][100]]

     - [X] 25-May-16   Add <danger> to list of admonitions        [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/55][55]]

     - [X] 22-Jun-16   Add article @class with other, otherclass        [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/53][53]]

     - [X] 11-Apr-18   Allow subfigures                       [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/94][94]]

     - [X] 13-Jun-18   incorporate <formalgroup>     

     - [X] 13-Feb-19   refentry in sect1                      [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/112][112]]

     - [X] 11-Mar-20   DocBook Library for code documentation        [[https://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues/111][111]]

8. Potential disruption to Scott's TC membership


9. Review of Requests for Enhancement (closed after v5.2)

To find a Github issue by number, enter the URL (on one line):



Open Issues (Note: items that have been accepted are still open

on Github until included in a release, but they are not listed here):


71 license tag


78 Schema website should be updated


93 Diff between doc of resource element and Assembly schema


99 Add <endorsement> to <info>

Consider for Publishers.


100 DocBook 5.1 catalog.xml uses incorrect version


103 XML DTD of DocBook 5.1


112 refentry in sect1


111 DocBook Library (tentative name) - (Supercedes 107, 108, 109, 110; other issues closed by Scott 6/10).

APPROVED: Accept for v5.2


112 refentry in sect 1 - Needs to be addressed in schema. (bug fix)


117 Allow info in listitem 

associate some metadata with a listitem, but no place to put it.

APPROVED: Accept info in listitem for v5.2.




[1] https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/docbook/email/archives/202003/msg00001.html


[2] http://github.com/docbook/docbook/issues


Thanks and best regards,



Scott Hudson
Content Technology Strategist, DS&A Information and Knowledge Services

Jeppesen, A Boeing Company

55 Inverness Drive East

Englewood, CO 80112

303-328-6228 | Cell: 303-350-7934






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