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Subject: DOCBOOK: TermLength on VariableList
I've been playing around with variablelist a bit, and somewhat with the output that I'm creating from it. We have quite a few documents in our collection where variablelist is the correct markup, but people have been reluctant to use it because the output has a lot of white space. (Still haven't convinced them that this is the "wrong" reason to change what markup they're using) I stumbled across the "TermLength" attribute in the Duck Book, but it's a little vague as to how it's used. Searching through the stylesheets, we found that the "default" that's in there is "20". So, uhm, what does "20" mean, and what should I specify for TermLength in a list where all of my terms are quite short? Thanks, Greg -- Troll, troll, troll your post Gently down the feed Merrily, merrily troll along A life is what you need...
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