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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK: Re: DocBook filename extension

On Tuesday 12 February 2002 19:12, Jirka Kosek wrote:
> "Matt G." wrote:
> > I use '*.xdbk'.  I don't understand why people use '*.xml', since it's
> > not just XML - you can be far more specific than that.  I regard that as
> > somewhat like naming files containing C code as '*.txt', since they are
> > technically text files (well yeah... but OF COURSE they're text files!).
> But in XML file you have !DOCTYPE which distinguishes DocBook from other
> MLs.

That raises an interesting point... do you know a file browser (like 
konqueror, n**forgot** from Ximian) that associates applications not just by 
looking at the extension, because that would fail in the .xml case, but at the
!DOCTYPE line as well in case of XML files?

I do not know one... Could we all post requests the the OS file browsers for
this kind of support?


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