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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK: Re: Building Where is the bibliography ?

At 09:04 01/05/2002 -0400, Norman Walsh wrote:

>Last time we (the DocBook Open Repository team) discussed it, the
>general feeling was that Make was still more broadly available than
>ant and was thus more appropriate.
>But I do wonder sometimes...

So did I :-) And I don't get make, and I don't have bash :-)
So I've worked through using ant with catalogs.

I'm up this morning to start to write it up for the faq.
I've built docbook html, website. Yet to do pdf output.

It'll be on the faq 'soon'. (Sooner if ndw was really 'off for 4 weeks'
without mailing hundreds  to the list :-)

It solves a lot of questions about installs, finding this that and the other.
Next job is to rewrite docbook.cat in the resolver xml format, since
the base appears to get screwed up moving between mycatalog.xml
and Norms.

Regards DaveP

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