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Subject: DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 12 October 2005

DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 12 October 2005

The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday, 12 October 2005 at
05:00p EDT (02:00p PDT, 21:00GMT, 22:00BST, 23:00CEST, 06:00JST+,
02:30a India+) for 60 minutes.


1. Roll call

Present: Steve Cogorno, Gary Cornelius, Paul Grosso, 
Dick Hamilton, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Mark Johnson, Jirka Kosek, 
Larry Rowland, Bob Stayton, Norman Walsh

Absent: Adam Di Carlo

2. Accepted the minutes[1] of the previous meeting (with Paul's
   spelling correction).

3. Next meeting: 16 November 2005
     Time change next month.

     Several members will be attending XML2005.

ACTION: Norm to locate a conference room if possible.

4. Review of the agenda.

Add item 7b: namespaces for additional modules.

5. Review of open action items

   a. Bob to ask each of the requestors again about three of
      the current RFEs (1190435, 1190436, 1194196).

   b. Norm to write a how-to on converting 
      documents from version 4 to 5.

   c. Jirka to write a description of the current state of tools
      that work with 5.0 and RNG.

   d. Dick to read the current DocBook 5
      spec to make sure it is all ok.

   e. Dick to make sure the pending RFEs are in the current schema.

   f. Norm to make sure the namespace URI works with RDDL so
      users get something back if they query the address.

   g.  Norm to follow up with the submittor of 1245781  
       new <publication> element.

6.  DTD version 4.5 Public Review Draft.

The 60 day review period ended 3 October, with no
comments submitted.  Resolved to pursue this
as an OASIS standard.

ACTION: Norm to pursue the process of making this
an OASIS standard.

7.  Next steps for DocBook 5.

Now have a how-to from Jirka, and Dick reviewed the spec.
There was some discussion about whether any DITA-like
features should be considered.  We decided that such
a discussion will take some time, and will be considered
for 5.1.

Norm proposed to publish the current draft as a committee
working draft version 5.0 Beta 1.  Unanimously approved.

ACTION: Norm to publish on OASIS and docbook.org.
He will create a package and ask members via email
about locations and such.

Jirka will be updating the how-to on docbook.org, and
will request that new version be put up on the OASIS site.

7b.  DocBook modules in namespaces?

Should we put DocBook modules in namespaces, now that
we have a namespace for DocBook?
There was general agreement that the existing elements
in DocBook 5.0 should be in the DocBook namespace, and
not separated into their own or no namespace.
We will consider using namespaces for newly proposed

8. Review of Requests for Enhancement

    To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):


      1190435 Add rule tag 
The Committee felt that this example was too specialized,
that other people would want to handle rules in different
ways, and there was no consensus on a specific
content model.  One suggestion was to use variablelist
with role, or section with role.  Or implement it
as an extension.  Request declined.

      1190436 Add requirement tag 

The Committee also felt that this example was too
specialized, and that requirements could be handled 
in different ways in different contexts.  Larry pointed
out that the role attribute permits the specialization
of any element that might be needed for a given style
of recording requirements, and that the role mechanism
is more flexible than a fixed content model.
Request declined.

      1194196 <qandaset> and <qandadiv> 

The Committee has not received a real use case
yet.  We will close this request, and the submitter
can reopen it if they can supply more information.

      1237762 Allow para+ in formalpara 

The Committee recognized that there might be a need
for a block container with a title that is not a
section.  But that would probably be a more general purpose
element containing more than just para.  For now,
one could use sidebar, admonition, or section.  It was felt
that presentation of a formalpara with more than one
para would have to be customized to indicate that any
paras after the first were children of the formalpara and
not just a following sibling.
We will close this request, and the submitter
can reopen it if they can supply a better use case.

      1245781  new <publication> element  

Norm communicated with the submitter and resolved
that existing elements suffice for this need.
Request declined.

      1264002  Add Security Classification tags  

We decided at the last meeting that the existing 
security attributes cover this need.

      1306027  Support for annotations in synopsis elements  

The Java language has added java annotations, and Norm
wondered how these would be marked up in a synopsis.
The C# language also has annotations, Jirka pointed out.

ACTION: Norm to investigate this issue some more.

     The following RFEs are awaiting action items

      413389 Enhance METHODNAME and VARNAME (Norm, generic linking)
      431411 RFE 70: add generic linking capability (Norm)
      565637 Associate non-inline image with link (Norm, generic linking)

These are all covered by 5.0, so these can be closed.

     The following RFEs are identified as V5.0 or later

      1097183 Allow Task as a sibling of sections 
      1084491 Add address, orgname, orgdiv to corpauthor, corpcredit, etc. 
      974285 Check floatstyle/float attributes
      958393 remove default class value from productname 
      531851 Remove inline person name elements
      532088 Remove RevHistory from qandaentry

ACTION: Norm to review these for the next meeting to
see if they are covered in 5.0.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 EST.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

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