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Subject: Re: [docbook] bridgehead not allowed in variablelist?

Hi Tim,

Am Montag, 8. August 2011, 10:19:13 schrieb Tim Arnold:
> I am validating using xerces, onvdl.jar with the docbook 5.1b2
> docbook.nvdl (also tried the 5.0 nvdl)
> I'm getting an error that says
> error: elem "bridgehead" from namespace
> "http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"; not allowed in this context.
> However, from the spec here, I thought it is legal:
> http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/bridgehead.html
> Can someone help me understand the problem? example file appended below.
> thanks,
> --Tim Arnold
> Example document xml:
> <chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"; version="5.0">
>   <info><title>my chapter</title></info>
>   <para>
>   <variablelist>
>     <varlistentry>
>       <term>myterm</term>
>       <listitem><para>definitions</para></listitem>
>     </varlistentry>
>     <bridgehead> testing my header </bridgehead>
>     <varlistentry>
>       <term>my second term</term>
>       <listitem><para> more definitions</para></listitem>
>     </varlistentry>
>    </variablelist>
>   </para>
> </chapter>

According to the TDG, bridgehead can appear inside variablelist. However, as 
far as I can see, it is only allowed _after_ the info element, but not between 
varlistentrys. Find here the content model: 

This would be valid:

 <chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"; version="5.0">
  <info><title>my chapter</title></info>
    <bridgehead> testing my header </bridgehead>
      <term>my second term</term>
      <listitem><para> more definitions</para></listitem>

However, in that case, bridgehead should be better replaced with title.

Hope that helps. :)

  Thomas Schraitle

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