@linkend cannot be combined with XLink. List numeration can only be specified with @startingnumber or @continuation, not both Inline simple lists cannot have @columns Only one of @width or @pgwide may be specified. Only one of @width or @pgwide may be specified. In literallayout, @xml:space must be 'preserve' In screen, @xml:space must be 'preserve' In programlisting, @xml:space must be 'preserve' Only one of @fileref or @entityref may be specified Only one of @fileref or @entityref may be specified Only one of @fileref or @entityref may be specified Only one of @fileref or @entityref may be specified The @units/@otherunits attributes must be consistent The @units/@otherunits attributes must be consistent Only one of @linkends/@xlink:href may be specified The @units/@otherunits attributes must be consistent The @units/@otherunits attributes must be consistent Only one of @linkends/@xlink:href may be specified In address, @xml:space must be 'preserve' The @class/@otherclass attributes must be consistent A personname must be text or honorific/firstname/surname/lineage/othername, not both The @class/@otherclass attributes must be consistent The @class/@otherclass attributes must be consistent The @class/@otherclass attributes must be consistent The @class/@otherclass attributes must be consistent The @type/@othertype attributes must be consistent The @spatial/@otherspatial attributes must be consistent The @temporal/@othertemporal attributes must be consistent The @class/@otherclass attributes must be consistent The @class/@otherclass attributes must be consistent Only end-of-range indexterms may have @startref End-of-range indexterms must have @startref and must not have @significance, @zone, @pagenum, @scope, or @type End-of-range indexterms must be empty A link must be specified with @linkend or @xlink:href A link must be specified with @linkend or @xlink:href The @function/@otherfunction attributes must be consistent The @action/@otheraction attributes must be consistent The @action/@otheraction attributes must be consistent In synopsis, @xml:space must be 'preserve' In funcsynopsisinfo, @xml:space must be 'preserve' In classsynopsisinfo, @xml:space must be 'preserve'