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Subject: YAC: Yet another comparison

My head is still swimming from trying to digest all of the documentation,
but attached is my comparison (so far) of the three XML definitions
submitted to the working group. This basically piggybacks to the comparison
put out to the list yesterday. I haven't fully edited the document so there
are a lot of redundancies that could be summarized, and I still want to
include other operations such as compare and extensibility, but wanted to
get something out to keep the conversation going. 

Hopefully, Gavenraj, Scott, and Christine will correct me where I've made
false assumptions about the use of their XML schema.

In general I think that each of the products support much of the core LDAP
v3 operations but the definitions are somewhat different. These might be
areas where the group could define common elements that could be used
regardless if building an access, meta-directory, or gateway implementation.

Comments welcome.


 <<DSML comparison.pdf>> 

DSML comparison.pdf

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