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Subject: Re: Proposed DSML 2 schema changes

One sort of devil's advocate question, and I apologize if this was covered in a prior call I missed.  Ref the proposal that "A DSML implementation must support model=sync or model=async" (underline added), and associated comments on flexibility.

The question is, can a DSML implementation which has chosen model=sync effectively (from a customer viewpoint, that is out of the box without consultant support) work with (interchange information) a DSML implementation that has selected model=async?  If the answer is an uncaveated "yes", then ignore the rest of this message.

If the answer is other than an uncaveated "yes" then it seems like this extended flexibility will lead to exactly the situation standards are supposed to prevent and that customers hate -- they go to two vendors, are told "yep, we support DSML", make the trusting but naive assumption that this means the products will actually work together, then find out the two implementations support different models.  It would be better to pick one of the models as a "MUST" (A DSML implementation MUST support model=async) and the other as a MAY (A DSML implementation MAY support model=sync).  Picking which model is the must could be a real dog fight among the vendors, but frankly customers don't care how hard it is for us, they want products that work.

Similar comments apply to the rest of the proposed MUST v. MAY in the body of the message below.  To the extent that implementations need to have made the same choices on these elements in order to interoperate, then the choices should be "MUST".  And a suggestion is that since a single operation/response per envelope is a simple instance of supporting multiple operations/response per envelope, then perhaps supporting multiple operations/responses per envelope is the preferred choice.

Keith Attenborough, Product Manager - Lotus Directories
IBM Software Group
email:  Keith_Attenborough@lotus.com
phone/fax:  617.693.9650 / 617.374.0111
cell:  617-834-6962

Jeff Parham <jeffparh@windows.microsoft.com>

08/07/01 08:00 PM

        To:        dsml@lists.oasis-open.org
        cc:        (bcc: Keith Attenborough/CAM/Lotus)
        Subject:        Proposed DSML 2 schema changes

The attached is a strawman including the following proposed changes:

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