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Subject: Re: Revised Proposal: SOAP Fault

I understood that the issue that had been raised was whether it was within the SOAP spec to use the SOAP Fault in the manner that we proposed.

1) According to section 4.4 of SOAP 1.2, 9 July 2001: "The detail element is intended for carrying application specific error information
related to the SOAP Body. It MUST be present when the contents of the SOAP Body could not be processed successfully."

2) The proposal that we made was in accordance with the practice used in the UDDI v1 and v2 specs.

We disagree with your proposal.

Christine Tomlinson

Andy Harjanto wrote:

This is a revised SOAP Fault Proposal, originally proposed by Christine.


Handling Failures.

SOAP Fault MUST be used only when an error or errors occurred outside DSML. For example, when processing 

between SOAP Server to a DSML server/gateway.SOAP Fault should not be used to communicate failures

inside the DSML system. errorResponse and LDAP errors are the examples of failure originating from within DSML. 

When SOAP is used to transport DSML document, there are three potential failure points:

1) Communication between SOAP and DSML. For example DSML server/gateway is not responding to SOAP server.
In this case, SOAP server should return SOAP Fault.

(Please note: SOAP and DSML can be implemented in the same server or component.)






<faultstring>Fatal error: DSML gateway is not responding</faultstring>




In addition to this scenario, SOAP client may transmit an invalid SOAP message, in this case, SOAP server responds with SOAP Fault. 

This specific scenario is outside the scope of the specification. Please consult the latest SOAP specification for this matter.







             Check SOAPAction header..."http://test-uri"
             'Body' element expected
             Fatal error:not valid SOAP message




2) As it mentions in the DSMLv2 specification, a client may produce a request document that is syntactically incorrect, i.e. does not conform to dsmlEnvelopeRequestschema. In this case the DSMLv2-based server still produces a response document, and the response document should be included as part of SOAP Body.

Other scenario could be where a DSML gateway can not establish a connection to the target LDAP server.








<dsml:message>Cannot connect to a DSML server</dsml:message>





3) A failure or failures may occur during LDAP operations. In DSMLv2, it is expressed in theLDAPResult with a ResultCode

corresponding to any LDAPErrorCode other than: 'success', 'compareFalse' or 'compareTrue'. As with (2), DSMLv2 response document should be included in SOAP body








<resultCode code="53" descr="unwillingToPerform"/>

 <errorMessage>System Attribute may not be modified</errorMessage>



<resultCode code="0"/>



<resultCode code="0" descr="success"/>







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