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Subject: Re: draft 9/24 of DSML v2

Great work!

Let's use this for a basis for tomorrow's call.


>>> Christine Tomlinson <chris.tomlinson@sun.com> 09/24/01 09:26PM >>>
The following summarizes the changes to the attached draft of the DSML
v2 specification:

1) McGarvey on RequestID - I left the definition as string since we
ought to discuss whether there is any reason to limit the RequestID to
the values that are used "on the wire" for LDAP or whether we can simply
leave it up to the provider implementation to map to an LDAP request id
value if that is appropriate. Added the proposed text to section 4 just
before the sub-section "Syntax Errors".

2) updated section 5.2 to agree with schema. Documented in footnote 7
the use of OID 1.1 to signal no attributes to be returned.

3) updated schema and text of spec to uniformly use "name" rather than
"desc". - per telecon 09/20

4) McGarvey on errorResponse - added "malformedRequest",
"gatewayInternalError", "authenticationFailed"

5) McGarvey on DsmlRequest - deleted my comment in section 4 "Syntax
Errors" asking whether partial syntax errors are reasonable

6) McGarvey on asynchronous notifications - since we're not specifying
an API perhaps the best we can say is that "A provider implementation
should incorporate a means for the client to detect the occurrence of an
asynchronous notification" This could be by polling or by a call-back or
some other means.

7) Changed all mentions of ExtensionTypeID  to NumericOID - per telecon

8) reworked section 6 SOAP binding to conform to the baseline proposal
usage of soap-fault

9) added "Values" section just prior to section 5.1 to describe usage
case for URI type of DsmlValue

10) reworked Batch.xsd schema to indicate that only SearchResponse is
allowed in a BatchResponse - per telecon 9/20

Per the telecon of 9/20 the following is a brief rationale for
separating the schema into DSMLv2.xsd and Batch.xsd:

The DSMLv2.xsd contains the essential elements that must be used in any
enveloping definition associated with a transport binding. The Batch.xsd
defines a specific enveloping that is used in the definition of the
'standard' DSML v2 SOAP transport binding and File transport binding.


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