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Subject: RE: [dsml] DSMLv2-draft14

Answer to the first question is that either form is legal.

As far as schema goes, it is represented in DSMLv2 as operations and
query results on the subschema entry and subentries as defined in
RFC2251 section 3.2.2. I believe that it was the consensus of the TC
that further work needs to be done in this area, but that it was beyond
the scope of DSMLv2.

Shon Vella
Software Engineer, Consultant
Novell, Inc., the leading provider of Net services software

>>> Tom Beauvais <tbeauvais@bowstreet.com> 12/12/01 11:19AM >>>
In this example shouldn't the values of the object class be within one

   <searchResultEntry dn="CN=JSmith, OU=Finance,DC=Example,DC=COM">
      <attr name="objectclass"><value>top</value></attr>
      <attr name="objectclass"><value>person</value></attr>
      <attr name="sn"><value>Smith</value></attr>

Like this.

   <searchResultEntry dn="CN=JSmith, OU=Finance,DC=Example,DC=COM">
      <attr name="objectclass">

Sorry if I missed this topic, but in DSML 1.0 there was a separate XML
schema for representing the LDAP Schema like this:

<dsml:directory-schema xmlns:dsml="http://www.dsml.org/DSML">
  <dsml:class dsml:id="nsmailsecurity" dsml:superior="#top"
    <dsml:description>Standard ObjectClass</dsml:description>
    <dsml:attribute ref="#objectclass" required="true" />
    <dsml:attribute ref="#aci" required="false" />
    <dsml:attribute ref="#nsmsencryptoutgoingmail" required="false" />

Can someone verify for me that it was intentionally dropped? If so
the spec should provide an example of a LDAP schema in DSML 2.0

Would it look something like the following example? It seems a bit
using the "dn"
as the objectclass name, but where would you put it? Also there no way
between an attribute definition and objectclass definition as in DSML

  <SearchResultEntry dn="inetorgperson">
    <attr name="MUST">
    <attr name="SUP">
    <attr name="NAME">
    <attr name="NUMERICOID">
    <attr name="DESC">
      <value>Standard ObjectClass</value>
    <attr name="MAY">


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Parham [mailto:jeffparh@windows.microsoft.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 12:24 PM
To: dsml@lists.oasis-open.org 
Subject: [dsml] DSMLv2-draft14

1. Per mail from Karl/Winston, added URL for errata.

2. Per mail from Rob/Christine, changed principal attribute to be of
syntax xsd:string.  Changed example in 5.1 to use principal="dn:CN=Bob
Rush,OU=Dev,DC=Example,DC=COM".  Added the following text to 5.1: "The
value of the principal attribute is an authzId, as defined by [RFC
2829]."  Added [RFC 2829] to the bibliography.

3. Changed the date and removed "draft".


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