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dss-comment message

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Subject: Public Comment

Comment from: inma@dif.um.es

Name: Inma Marín
Title: IT Consultant
Organization: University of Murcia
Regarding Specification: DSS Core Committee Draft 3 (DSS Core Elements)

According to this specification, when a client wishes a signature to be timestamped by the server after validating it, he should use the <AddTimestamp> optional input in the <VerifyRequest>. However, it is not said how the signature should be returned (that is, what optional output should be used for this purpose). I suppose the following tasks should be accomplished:

a) The <VerifyRequest> includes a <SignatureObject> with a <Signature> or <Base64Signature> --> the <VerifyResponse> includes an <UpdatedSignature> optional ouput containing the modified <SignatureObject>

b) The <VerifyRequest> includes a <SignatureObject> with a <SignaturePtr> pointing to an <InputDocument> in which the signature to verify is --> the <VerifyResponse> includes an <UpdatedSignature> optional ouput containing the <SignatureObject> with the <SignaturePtr> and a <DocumentWithSignature> optional output including the document where the modifed signature is.

c) The <VerifyRequest> does not include a <SignatureObject>, but there is a single <InputDocument> in which the to-be-verified signature is (enveloped signature) --> the <VerifyResponse> includes a <DocumentWithSignature> optional output including the document where the modifed signature is but, what happens with the <UpdatedSignature> optional output??.

Could you be so kind as to tell me if this processing is correct, please? if not, how should be the format of the <VerifyResponse> in each situation?

Thank you very much in advance.


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