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Subject: Re: [dss-x] Fwd: Presentation client and server signature

Hi all,

I would like to make on Oscars use case :

In this scenario the client itself requests a signature ad is holding the required private key, too. In this case outlined request / response pair is a perfect fit.

In my use case the requirements a bit broader :
The client can request a document to be signed but additionally there may be more requests ready to be signed originated earlier / by other sources. So I would like to propose a more general approach that solves both requirements :

1. A signing request as we already know it. Usually asynchrounous, as it may take an unpredictable amount of time to be processed. It cannot be guessed in advance when the user / the supervisor / the notary logs in again to sign pending documents.

2. A polling-styled request to get new signing requests for the local private key and to return encrypted hashes. This new method can be consructed by the elements we already got in the schema, just a bit twisted :

The client request holds a signing response to an earlier, already processed call. And the server response transports new signing requests stripped down to the plain bytes that should be encrypted by the clients private key. 

As this is a polling mechanism, responses and / or requests may be empty.

3. The server returns the signature as the response to the initial call from 1. . 

This solution could cover both requirements without to much extra burden on Oscar client-initiated signing. Just a little bit of inversion-of-control ...



----- original Nachricht --------

Betreff: [dss-x] Fwd: Presentation client and server signature
Gesendet: Mo, 14. Feb 2011
Von: Juan Carlos Cruellas<cruellas@ac.upc.edu>

> -------- Mensaje original --------
> Asunto: 	Presentation client and server signature
> Fecha: 	Mon, 14 Feb 2011 16:23:26 +0100
> De: 	Òscar Burgos <oburgos@catcert.net>
> Para: 	Juan Carlos Cruellas <cruellas@ac.upc.edu>, <stefan@drees.name>
> CC: 	Òscar Burgos <oburgos@catcert.net>
> Sorry for the delay.
> If we have time (I’ll be a bit late) we can discuss on this mixed
> scenario and how can we approach it (whether it is possible using a
> profile or adding new elements to the core)
> See you later.
> Oscar.
> _
> *Oscar Burgos Palomar*
> Àrea d'assessorament
> Agència Catalana de Certificació - CATCert
> Passatge de la Concepció 11, 08008 Barcelona
> tel: 93 272 25 88 - fax: 93 272 25 39
> www.catcert.cat <http://www.catcert.cat/>
> _
> _
> Aquest correu electrònic, així com qualsevol fitxer annex, conté
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> autorització prèvia per escrit de l'Agència Catalana de Certificació -
> CATCert. Si vostè ha rebut aquest correu electrònic per error, si us
> plau notifiqui-ho immediatament al remitent reenviant-lo.

--- original Nachricht Ende ----

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