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Subject: [dss]


In addition to the time stamp paper submitted by Juan Carlos
Cruellas I would like to submit an additional paper on an XML
format for time-stamps for consideration of this committee.

I do this on behalf of its author, Karel Wouters from 
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

Liebe Gruesse/Regards,
DI Gregor Karlinger

Chief Information Office
Bundesministerium für Öffentliche Leistung und Sport/
Federal Ministry for Public Services and Sports

Post/Mail: Wollzeile 1-3, 1010 Wien, Austria
Besuch/Visit: Wagramer Straße 4, 1220 Wien, Austria

mailto:gregor.karlinger@cio.gv.at          http://www.cio.gv.at
fon +43 1 50190 6163                    mobil +43 664 610 45 44

Attachment: XML Timestamps (Karel Wouters, ACM XML Security workshop 2002).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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