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Subject: ebBP question: ComplexBTA
- From: "Pim van der Eijk" <pvde@sonnenglanz.net>
- To: <ebcore@lists.oasis-open.org>
- Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 20:05:45 +0100
Since this TC is
taking over maintenance of ebBP, here is a question related to the ebBP 2.0.4
OASIS Standard.
Suppose we have a
Business Collaboration involving a "Quote Request" and a "Quote
Confirmation". In RosettaNet these two document exchanges relate to
the same PIP 3A1, "Request Quote". In ebBP it makes sense to model
this as a Business Transaction (or one of the UN/CEFACT pattern-specialized
types of Business Transaction). From the point of view of the business
collaboration that this exchange is part of, the interaction is atomic. The ebBP
business transaction is a representation for a PIP.
Now suppose there is
a need to enhance the Request Quote transaction to also cover the interactions
that support it. Perhaps the Seller needs to contact one or multiple
suppliers or sub-contractors to obtain the information needed to generate the
Quote Confirmation, and we want to model this.
The ebBP standard
does have a construct for this purpose: ComplexBusinessTransaction.
If the Seller needs to invoke another business transaction, or even a complex
business transaction (recursively involving other transactions), the current
standard supports this. It is also possible to define the complex
transaction as a series of two transactions, and to associate "visibility"
information to them.
Now suppose the
embedded transactions are not taking place sequentially, but in parallel.
The ebBP standard has a way of expressing nested business flows, and they are
available in the content model of the Collaboration elements. However, they are
not available in the Complex Business
Transaction. I would like to see the content model of Complex Business
Transaction Activity to include
<xsd:group ref="collaborationGroup"
like the
other ebBP elements. It would mean: the nested
flow of activities (perhaps including third parties, parallelism, decisions,
forks, joins ..) takes place between the incoming request and
response. Why is this not the supported in ebBP 2.0.4? I
can't see why a simple linear series of transactions is "atomic", but a
parallel execution of those transactions is not. Or why a single recursively
nested structure is, but some other structure is not.
A difference between
the CBTA content model and the Collaboration content model is the presence of
the StatusVisibility element. This element could be included in the
collaborationGroup too, leaving the access to the visibility information
(using status request type of messages) up to further
The above
generalization is so .. general .. that I'm probably missing
something basic.
Any comments welcome
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