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Subject: FW: [ebxml-dev] ISO and UN/CEFACT initiate "Open Data Interchange" Framework Technical Report

This new effort seems particularly closely aligned with the BDXR TC's work.
Some members of the ebCore TC (Pim, Dale) are also involved in BDXR.  In
particular, some efforts are underway to see how parts of the ebXML effort
(e.g. CPPA), as well as the WS-* and other standards might apply to the
re-chartered BDXR work.

I think there was some brief mention of this ISO and UN/CEFACT initiative at
the last TC meeting, but didn't see that this formal announcement had been
circulated to the OASIS TCs.

Tim, Kenneth: would either of you care to say more about the genesis of this
effort, and to what extent (if at all) there has yet been any communication
with OASIS/BDXR, or discussion of BDXR deliverables feeding into the ODI
effort?  In particular, I note that the first ODI work item is the drafting
of a Technical Report (TR) for completion and balloting by July 20th.  Tim,
any comments about the expected scope or content of the TR would also be of
interest, I expect.  As an OASIS member, you might like to just join the
BDXR TC, Tim, or if not Kenneth or I could forward any other emails from

Regards, Roger

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim McGrath [mailto:tim.mcgrath@documentengineeringservices.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 2:10 AM
To: ebXML Dev-List
Subject: [ebxml-dev] ISO and UN/CEFACT initiate "Open Data Interchange"
Framework Technical Report

The ebXML community may be interested in participating in the recently
announced "Open Data Interchange" Framework Technical Report project between

The accumulated experience with concepts such as ebXML Core Components
(ISO/TS 15000-5) has reached a point where it is now possible to jointly
evaluate this experience and envisage a possible common technical framework
in order to encourage greater consistency and effectiveness in the future
maintenance and development of technical specifications and standards.

The project aims to define a consistent and timely way to address and
resolve issues of gaps, overlaps, and counter-productive standardisation
efforts through:
* Describing a coordinated "Open Data Interchange" Framework, fostering an
integrated work program to meet stakeholder needs in administration,
commerce and trade, and
* Describing a collaboration process, involving business processes and
supporting data that facilitate the open electronic interchange of
structured data

The goal is to evaluate experiences and describe a common technical
framework that will engage other key players involved in standards
development and encourage greater consistency and effectiveness of technical
specifications and standards.

All interested participants should have expertise in the areas of with broad
knowledge in the area of methodologies and technologies for the open
electronic interchange of structured data.

This project is open to all members of ISO liaison organizations (such as
OASIS) through the ISO work item reference ISO/TC 154 N 0659.
  For more details see: 

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