Members of the ebXML Business Process TC,
I have been notified that the TC took actions to close in 2008 but that the process never completed. There is reference in emails to the decision in meetings to close the TC and transition its work and there is proposed ballot language but the only concrete record I can find is the email contributing the documents with ebBP maintenance and enhancement issues to the ebCore TC on 03 November 2008. See
Therefore, unless I hear any objections raised, I will carry out the actions needed to close the TC next Thursday, 06 February 2014. Please let me know before then if you have any concerns about taking this action.
As is standard OASIS policy, the assets of the TC will remain publicly avaiable though no longer active. The TC's will remain open so that former members can receive any outside feedback or questions in the future.
Best regards,
Chet Ensign
Director of Standards Development and TC Administration
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