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Subject: Re: [ebcore] CPPA3 progress

Dear Pim,

great stuff, I am already looking forward to studying this further once I'm back from vacation.

Some national and international projects still lack this capability, but as it happens we use both OTS MSH components used to generate PModes from this, so I'm hopeful that we can test this a bit.


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> Den 2. okt. 2016 kl. 17.29 skrev Pim van der Eijk <pvde@sonnenglanz.net>:
> Dear all,
> I have just uploaded four separate packages related to CPPA3:
> 1)  An XML schema with extensive embedded schema documentation.
> https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59046&wg_abbrev=ebcore
> 2) An export of the embedded schema documentation as HTML.
> https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59047&wg_abbrev=ebcore
> 3) A specification document (in ODF) using the OASIS template, and some accompanying XML samples.
> https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59048&wg_abbrev=ebcore
> 4) A PDF version of (2):
> https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=59049&wg_abbrev=ebcore
> The first two of these four uploads are evolutions of the draft uploaded in March 2015, announced in:
> https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ebcore/201503/msg00001.html
> The third upload is new.  It is an ODF document of (currently) 32 pages. Apart from introducing CPPA3 and the CPPA3 schema, it provides a detailed specification of a method to form a CPA from two input CPP documents, and some sample documents.   Like the ebCore Agreement Update specification, it is just part of the documentation and is to be used in conjunction with the schema documentation. The HTML export of the schema documentation is very convenient to use due to its automatically generated hyperlinks.
> The fourth upload is also new. It is a PDF version of the generated documentation including documentation, currently 95 pages.
> Together, these packages are the first complete draft versions for OASIS CPPA3, with the vast majority of functionality defined and documented.  The material is now at a stage where it is ready for review by you as Committee members.    So I am hoping that you can reserve some time in the next few weeks or months to download and review the specification.  Post your comments to the list or to me directly.
> The specification is intended to be independent of any particular implementation.  However,  if you want to play with CPA unification and learn about the functionality the specification intends to support, you can download the open source cppa3 library for Python from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cppa3.  It includes 179 unit tests showcasing all the features of CPPA3.  That library has been used in two recent proof-of-concepts developed for user communities, focused on AS4:
> 1) A proof of concept for generating and managing configurations for the ENTSOG AS4 Usage Profile:
> https://bitbucket.org/ebcore/as4_mgmt_poc
> 2) A proof of concept for generation and managing configuration for the e-SENS AS4 Usage Profile:
> https://secure.e-codex.eu/gitblit/summary/research%2Fas4config_poc.git
> Open source scripts, documentation and reports are available from the referenced URLs.
> Kind Regards,
> Pim van der Eijk
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