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Subject: Re: [ebxml-bp] Closing the gap between MSI and BSI and move on


I think this is also something that involves the ebSOA team - as
these are part of the patterns needed.

We can certainly jointly develop this - and put initial outline work
in the BPSS specification - that can then be more formally
detailed for the ebSOA work in 2005 here.

Thanks, DW

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sacha Schlegel" <sschlegel@cyclonecommerce.com>
To: "ebXML BP" <ebxml-bp@lists.oasis-open.org>;
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 9:32 AM
Subject: [ebxml-bp] Closing the gap between MSI and BSI and move on

Hi ebXML Message Service team
Hi ebXML Business Process team

I suggest to define an interface between

o MSI and BSI (or MSH and BSH)

and close that gap in the ebXML spec and move on to the next step, from a
ebBP view point, to define an interface between

o BSI and private business process engines (or BSH and OASIS WSBPEL for




MSH = Message Service Handler
BSH = Business Service Handler
MSI = Message Service Interface
BSI = Business Service Interface
WSBPEL = Web Services Business Process Execution Language

PS: BSH is to ebXML Business Process what MSH is to ebXML Message Service

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