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Subject: [ebBP] 2/24/2004: Timescale for v2.0 Draft Proposed [RSD]

Discussion|OASIS.ebBP.v2.0 Draft Schedule;


Point|Proposed Timetable;

We have engaged in significant discussion on the work items described 
below and attachment references provided above. I would ask everyone to 
re-review these, in anticipation of attaining resolution and closure by 
15 April 2004.

To look realistically at our vote for 2.0 boundaries (and described in 
the draft white paper), we basically have about 7-8 weeks to come to 
closure on these and several other items listed for v2.0.  I believe it 
is reasonable to finalize these items for a vote by the end of March 
(the finite set below) as we continue to work on other existing work 
listed in v2.0 timeframe (from F2F decisions).

Here is a tentative timeline to consider:

    * Bring list of items below to a TC vote by 22 March 2004 (7, 22,
      59, 55, 43, 28, 13-25-26, and 12). Notice given today for review,
      24 Feb 2004. Individual votes to proceed between 1-8 March 2004;
      vote discussion and closure by 22 March 2004.
    * Address other work items as possible prior to and up until 15
      April 2004.
    * Internal informal review and comment in preparation for OASIS
    * Challenge ourselves to bring a working draft to the OASIS
      Symposium and meet with several other TCs to resolve open items
      related to work items such as ebXML mapping, external context
      mechanism, for example.
    * Reassess after OASIS Symposium to plan for a committee draft
      sometime before the summary. Throw a dart, and let's say by 30
      June 2004.

I encourage your thoughts as this is a proposed recommendation.  I'll 
look for the team to take the time and provide as much feedback as you 
deem practical. Fire away!

Items readying for closure:

    * WI 7 - Versioning: Proposal today, 24 Feb 2004 to engage a vote
      for either use of a URN or URL based approach. Discussion
      encouraged through Friday, 27 Feb 2004. Vote will open, based on
      this week's inputs for 28 Feb 2004.
    * WI 22 - Transaction Pattern Support: Proposal made by Martin
      Roberts. Schemas posted 23 Feb 2004 -
          o Need to resolve inconsistencies between different
            transaction patterns descriptions and matrices related to
            UMM R10.
    * WI 59 (relates to 31, 60-62 and 65) - Signals and Additional BT
      support: Need feedback from Mukkamala.  Schema posted by Martin
      Roberts and summary provided 23 Feb from myself: 
          o We are mirroring the structure that exist for documents in ebBP.
          o We wish to understand when signals occur and what is allowed
            to occur.
          o Open v2.0 item exists for: What happens if you don't have a
            reference and the signal is used - Do you care if there is a
            receipt or is it that you do not want a receipt?
          o For *v3.0*, if entering into this agreement in good faith,
            may need to ask the other party why you did or didn't
            receive a signal for contractual reasons. If a receipt is
            not received, the electronic record is treated as unsent. 
            Relates to trade practices.
    * WI 55 - Late binding TTP: Could adopt a lightweight expression
      mechanism or allow for an external function
          o Overall summary:
          o Swenson: See summary below.
          o Webber proposal for external mechanism:
            (Note: I have a question about support for XML Schema 1.1)
    * WI 43 - Name and Name ID: Need to resolve what impacts there would
      be if we have a name (human readable), name ID that is unique in a
      BPSS instance (except for include) and an external ID for tools.
      Open question on how this affects includes and packaging concepts
      we need to accommodate.
          o Roberts: Favors ID and IDREF.
          o Open item: Do we resolve to use the external ID for a link
            for included documents? Technical or process impacts?
    * WI 28 - ebXML Mapping in Technical Specification
          o Needs more discussion but here are some parameters:
                + Quantify service, action, role and instance identifier
                + Determine if we can get a small team together at OASIS
                  symposium to discuss as well as address short names.
                  We could go in with a draft proposal ready prior to
                  that time.
    * WI 13-25-26 - Role bindings
          o Supports performs that also allows role binding for binary
            and/or multi-party collaboration.
          o Clarify authorized role.
          o Look to proposal by Anders Tell related to the use of
            BusinessPartnerRole (included in attachment reference above).
    * WI 12 - WSDL / BPSS support
          o Proposal by JJ Dubray pending revision:
          o Understand and adequately describe differences and
            limitations associated with use of WSDL and the meaning of
            business transaction patterns.
          o Also relates to our work on WI 22 and 26 (Nesting of

||WI 7: Attachment: Martin request for vote on versioning - 
||WI 22: Attachment: Martin Roberts post of 24 Feb - 
||or http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/ebxml-bp/200402/msg00240.html
||WI 22: Attachment: Martin summary on trans patterns inconsistencies - 
||WI 22: Attachment: Martin summary on trans pattern support - 
||WI 59: Attachment: Martin summary on signals - 
||WI 55: Attachment: Martin summary on TTP - 
||WI 55: Attachment: Webber summary for external mechanism - 
||WI 43: Attachment: Martin summary on Name and NameID options - 
||WI 28: Attachment: Martin summary on ebXML mapping - 
||WI 28: Attachment: Moberg post on ebXML mapping related to past 
agreements - 
||WI 13-25-26: Attachment: Martin summary on roles - 
||WI 12: Attachment: Martin summary on WSDL - 
WI 55 v2.0: Swenson proposal 13 Feb 2004:
I have been following this, and brought up the discussion at the face to 
face meeting.  I promosed to send a suggestion to the list.

If I understand the situation proposed by Lars was that there were a set 
of different "time to perform" values that might come into play is a 
given process.  The current BPSS constrains a give process to a single 
time to perform value.  But in the real business world there are cases 
where parties might agree ahead of time on different time to perform 
values for specific situations.  These situations might depend upon 
specifics of the intersaction, such as values carried in the business 

Why not simply allow an expression to be used in the place of the 
constant value?  Clearly, the expression language would need to be 
specified.  Within that language, there might be a function to read one 
or more values from the business document.

An example might be "if the value of the transaction is greater than $50 
then the time to perform should be 3 days, otherwise the time to perform 
is 5 days".   Another example might be "if 'express service' is 
specified then time to perform is 2 days, otherwise time to perform is 7 
days".  Presumably express service would cost more....

Such an expression of conditions of service like this are not unusual in 
the business world.  Both parties agree on the conditions.  There is no 
run time modification of time to perform, there is a fixed expression 
that specifies the time to perform.
Such capabilities are common the process engines that I have experience 
with, so this is not in any sense 'exotic'.

Martin Roberts has pointed out that any such expression language would 
need to also specify what would happen if the expression fails to 
evaluate, e.g. there is no business document, or multiple business 
document, or otherwise fails.  There would probaly need to be a 
"default" in the case the expression fails.

I would not really call this "late binding".  I am wondering if 
categorizing this as "late binding" has taken the conversation down a 
blind alley.

While there is much to work out to finalize such an approach, before 
doing this work, my question is simply "does this meet the original 
requirement as described by Lars"? 

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