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Subject: RE: [ubl-dev] RE: [ebxml-dev] Best practise for entering multiple uri's inanebXMLdocument?

<xsd:simpleType name="DocumentSpecificationType">
			<xsd:documentation>The simpleType related to the
enumerated list of specification types
                for the Specification element. Note: This simpleType was
added in v2.0.</xsd:documentation>
		<xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
			<xsd:enumeration value="schema"/>
			<xsd:enumeration value="dtd"/>
			<xsd:enumeration value="wsdl"/>
			<xsd:enumeration value="relaxng"/>
			<xsd:enumeration value="other"/>

"rddl" might be another value for this enumeration but there wasn't
critical mass to add it yet. The enumeration is sort of like a code
list, but we have not tried to make the enumeration simple type easily
extensible at this point.

So far, these values are mainly hints for software hoping to relate the
more "logical/abstract" document envelope value (which references a
BusinessDocument) to some more specialized realizations of the
BusinessDocument. The values can also be propagated down to CPPs and CPA
templates formed when given a BPSS instance (and the selected role to
play in the process) as input. 

We have a few weeks window before we move ahead with BPSS 2.0 (probably
in a BPSS 2.0.1 version). So I will forward this question to the TC to
consider. If you have more information for us to consider, please post
to the ebxml-bp-comments list (it would be a welcome break from the

Dale Moberg

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Green [mailto:BRITSDG@bristol-city.gov.uk] 
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 3:49 AM
To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
Cc: ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ubl-dev] RE: [ebxml-dev] Best practise for entering multiple
uri's inanebXMLdocument?


I notice the 'type' attribute in your example (with type="schema"):

<BusinessDocument nameID="IDO1000" name="UBL Order 1.0">
        <Specification nameID="UBLPurchaseOrder" name="UBLPurchaseOrder"

Could this have a value to specify what UBL would describe as
a 'subset' or subset definition/declaration? Perhaps the value
"subset" as in:

<BusinessDocument nameID="IDO1000" name="UBL Order 1.0">
        <Specification nameID="UBLPurchaseOrder" name="UBLPurchaseOrder"
        <Specification nameID="UBLPurchaseOrderSBS"

Is there a codelist for values for 'type' or is there likely to be one?

Thanks again


>>> "Dale Moberg" <dmoberg@cyclonecommerce.com> 04/05/05 19:25:26 >>>

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Green [mailto:stephen_green@bristol-city.gov.uk] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 10:19 AM
To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org 
Cc: ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org 
Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] Best practise for entering multiple uri's inan


Stephen Green writes
To clarify my previous posting, this is how my example looks at present
(based on ebBPSS1.04.xsd):

<BusinessDocument name="UBL SBS Invoice"
0 urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:xpath:Invoice-1.0:sbs-1.0"

ndoc/UBL-Invoice-1.0.xsd [...]/xpaths/xml/XPath/Invoice-XPath.xml"> 

<Documentation> The documents are an XSD file and a subset definition
that specify the rules for creating the XML document for the business
action of invoicing the buyer. </Documentation> 


Is this a misuse of ebBPSS?


The lack of a way to enumerate multiple specifications pertaining to a
BusinessDocument was a specific issue lodged against 1.x versions of
BPSS. It is resolved in 2.0 by shifting from an attribute to an
(unbounded) sequence of Specification elements looking like:

<BusinessDocument nameID="IDO1000" name="UBL Order 1.0">
        <Specification nameID="UBLPurchaseOrder" name="UBLPurchaseOrder"

So for your example,several Specification elements would be used instead
of trying to create a space separated list in the attribute.

Can it be done a better way (e.g. in BPSS 2.0)?

Dale> See above. The TC has approved 2.0 several weeks ago.

Can the same be done with ebCPPA and ebMS?

ebCPPA 2.0 (and the working drafts on 2.1) all allow multiple Namespace
declarations as needed to identify those used in an XML document. For
ebCPPA, it would be used to express an agreement to support document
exchanges where the data is drawn from those Namespaces.

I think ebMS would not need to use the Namespace information for its
protocol. However, Namespace information can be part of the information
about the arrival of a BusinessDocument that an ebMS might publish as an
Event to be consumed by a subscribed a BPSS monitoring software
component. This is because the BusinessDocumentEnvelope language used in
described BPSS transitions needs to be "operationalized" so that
arriving messages can be recognized as events of the right kinds.

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