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Subject: ebBP 4/5/2006: Suggestions for web site layout of version 2.0.3documents for Committee Spec (please read)

This is the discussion Dale and I had together and with OASIS 
yesterday.  If you have any comments or questions, please post at your 
earliest convenience. Thanks.


>The namespace identifier
Thanks, Dale and Monica.  I think we have the details clearly
in hand now so that we can have a couple critical discussions
with the IT people, and discuss internally the idea of
changing the redirect from the Namespace URI to a succession
of different (versioned) schema files.

At the system level, I have no problem with that proposal.  As
indicated earlier, I think the hardwiring of the NS URI to
the schema puts the application at greater risk as far as
schema versioning issues are concerned: using namespace
documents (other than XSDs) provides some added documentation
features and protection against incorrect inferences that
you might want to prevent from being drawn.  But that's your

Also, we're rather in the middle of time with respect to
matters of namespace versioning, schema versioning, the
relationship between the two, structured namespace documents,
etc.  Your experiment is as valid as anyone else's.

If Mary thinks the proposed NS URIs are OK (I have not talked
to her about it yet), she will send confirmation so that your TC
build on them with confidence:


Best wishes.
Robin Cover

> is a URL for ebBP's core namespace. We would like that URL to
>> "dereference" to a document that is the most current XSD (like W3C does
>> for many of its documents).
>> For the 2.0.3 version, we would like the schema document itself also to
>> be at the path:
>> http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxml-bp/ebbp-2.0/ebbp-2.0.3.xsd
>> The namespace URL should link to this schema document during the
>> committee specification vote and until it is superceded by a new
>> version.
>> The TC has a second schema that we wish to have treated the same way.
>> That is, the ebbp signal schema has the namespace URL
>>  http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxml-bp/ebbp-signals-2.0
>> and we would like to have the signals schema document at
>> http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxml-bp/ebbp-2.0/ebbp-signals-2.0.3.xsd
> > 
>> The rest of the TC documents for the 2.0.3 version will be in the
>> directory
>> /ebxml-bp/ebbp-2.0/2.0.3
>> with the URL
>> http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxml-bp/ebbp-2.0/2.0.3
>> The "documents" in this directory are to be the zipfile packages and
>> would have URLs such as:
>> http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxml-bp/ebbp-2.0/2.0.3/oasis-ebxmlbp-core-2.
>> 0-package-cd_candidate.zip


> There are 10 such packages

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