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Subject: Aligning the parallel paths? BPSS / UMM / editor / jCAM / OCL

Here is the latest CEFACT doc - http://www.unece.org/cefact/umm/UMM_Foundation_Module.pdf
This is almost 100% equivalent to BPSS V2.0.3 - all the same names - everything.
I'm brainstorming here and seeing that - from the UMM tools we can output a "happy path" raw BPSS 2.0.3 structure - then using Asumans' BPSS editor open that - add details - and then validate that by using the latest jCAM engine with an OCL plug-in for the Apache Maven that jCAM uses.
Steps are:
1) Model collaboration using UML / UMM
2) Output to basic BPSS XML
3) Refine details in BPSS editor (link to CPA, add linkages and details that UML/UMM does not carry in model)
4) Save BPSS XML from editor
5) Validate XML details against schema and process logic against original OCL rules
6) Use jCAM + OCL plug-in - to perform steps in 5)
7) Verified BPSS is end result.
Of course it sounds simple - but clearly there's some significant effort in actually getting this all working.
However - there are folks out there working on the UMM editor and also the BPSS editor - so seems like this is at least possible - the trick is coordinating all the various parts...
Then the only other missing piece is the BPSS engine to interface into Hermes… (I've already integrated Hermes with jCAM for payload validation).

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