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ebxml-cppa-comment message

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Subject: Public Comment

Comment from: pvde@sonnenglanz.net


I read that section as indicating a way to use a particular channel for a special MSH action (e.g. "Acknowledgment") as different from the default channel for all other MSH actions (i.e. Error, StatusRequest, StatusResponse, Ping, Pong).  If I read it correctly, it would not distinguish between a single MSH action in response to different messages.  

I've copied ebxml-cppa-comment@oasis-open.org as you indicated.
Thanks for a prompt response.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dale Moberg [mailto:dmoberg@cyclonecommerce.com]
Sent: 16 November 2005 22:07
To: Pim van der Eijk; ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] CPA Delivery Channel for Asynchronous ebMS Acknowledgments 


Please take a look at the CPPA specification, section 8.4.58 on the (not very frequently used) OverrideMshActionBinding...

The OverrideMshActionBinding element can occur zero or more times. It has two REQUIRED attributes. The action attribute identifies the Message Service Handler level action whose delivery is not to use the default DeliveryChannel for Message Service Handler actions. The channelId attribute specifies the DeliveryChannel to be used instead.

It sounds like your situation is one that this optional element is intended to cover, but if not, post to ebxml-cppa-comment@oasis-open.org and we will discuss the use case further as part of the maintenance process.

Dale Moberg

-----Original Message-----
From: Pim van der Eijk [mailto:lists@sonnenglanz.net]
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 1:52 PM
To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: [ebxml-dev] CPA Delivery Channel for Asynchronous ebMS Acknowledgments 


In an ebMS v2 application we are distinguishing two types of asynchronous business messages. 
Both of them request asynchronous ebMS acknowledgments. 

- In one case, the business message is digitally signed, and the ebXML MSH acknowledgment is also to be digitally signed.
- In the other case, neither the business message nor the acknowledgment are to be digitally signed.

How can we specify this behaviour in a CPA?  
The defaultMshChannelId attribute sets a single default for all asynchronous messages sent from a Party. 
I don't see how I can set it to use different channels in response to different message types.  

A workaround might be two CPAs with diffent CPAId and use them in parallel, but I keep thinking I am missing something obvious.  

N.B. I am talking about ebMS acknowledgments, not ebBP ReceiptAcknowledgment business signals.


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