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ebxml-cppa-negot-chair message

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Subject: Sacha Schlegel Requests Membership in ebXML CPPA Automated Negotiation SC

Sacha Schlegel of Individual wishes to join ebXML CPPA Automated Negotiation SC. He or she is eligible for membership based on membership rules for this group.

Please visit http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ebxml-cppa/ebxml-cppa-negot/manage/pending_request.php to evaluate this request and to see all of the other pending requests to join this group.

Additional information entered by Sacha Schlegel in support of his/her application:

Hi ebXML CPPA Automated Negotiation SC.

I should have joined OASIS like 1.5 years ago, when my Masters Thesis in the area of "CPA formation" started. Well better later than never.

For the automated negotiation I implemented bits and pieces to provide an negotiation infrastructure; it is still very basic.

Being in the last phase of the thesis I might not be as active as I want but basically want to get involved with this SC.

Kind regards.

Sacha Schlegel

Thank you,

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