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ebxml-cppa-negot message

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Subject: RE: [ebxml-cppa-negot] Re: Negotiation pattern, transactions, CPPA

Bob> 2. I think of the negotiation pattern as a game, where
the trading partners take turns.  Strictly.  When I send
you an offer, you must respond with either acceptance,
rejection or counter-pending.  You cannot send a counter-
offer without first sending the counter-pending response
and receiving my ack.  Etc.

Dale> Some nuances of the game I am not clear about yet:
(this pertains to whether counter-pending response
removes original offer from discussion, so to speak.)

1. Can I send, in one message, both my counter-pending
and my proposal? If not, why not? 
2. Can I send later an Accept for the original
proposal? (After my counter got nowhere).
3. If no to 2, how can I get the original back
on the table? Do I wait for the other side to
retry it? (Why would they?) Do I make a new
proposal identical to the one I was originally

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