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ebxml-cppa-negot message

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Subject: [ebxml-cppa-negot] exchange of completed CPA

During the Aug. 14 conference call, we agreed that at the completion of
negotiation, the following happens:
   1 party (TBD which) sends the completed CPA  to the other party, signed
   if signing was agreed to.
   If the second party agrees with the contents of the completed CPA, it
   signs it (if signing was agreed to) and returns it to the first party.
   This concludes the negotiation choreography.
   If the second party does not agree with the contents of the CPA, it
   returns a message that triggers the <Fail> exit from the negotiation.
   This can happen only if one or both parties has made an error in
   tracking the CPA state and is therefore unrecoverable.  The two Parties
   should get on the phone at this point.

We also did not consider the case one one party accepts the initial offer
from the other party, therefore requiring no negotiation.  In this case,
also, we need to include exchange of signed CPAs if applicable.

We did not discuss the case where the parties agreed that signing was not
needed.  I suggest that for this case, the second party simply return an
"accepted" response. This can probably be the same message used for
acceptance of an initial offer.

We also did not discuss how to negotiate signing and what to do if third-
party signing is agreed to.  I suggest: that signing the CPA is not a
special case.  Negotiating signing is simply a matter of making the CPA
Signature element negotiable. Possible results are:
- Agree not to sign:  The Signature element is omitted from the final CPA.
- Agree on 2-party signing:  two ds:Signature elements are in the final
- Agree on 3-party signing:  three ds:Signature elements are in the final

For 3-party signing, the specification needs to say something about the
third party's signature.  Obtaining it is probably outside the scope of the
specification and certainly outside the scope of the negotiation BPSS.

Let's continue heating up this project by responding to this posting with
agreement, comments, or arguments.  Let's also do the same with my posting
from yesterday about deferring some negotiable items until later in the



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

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