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ebxml-cppa-negot message

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Subject: Re: Sachs 8/26/2002: [ebxml-cppa-negot] Negotiation Descriptor Document



Let's continue this discussion on the negotiation listserver. It might
needle other people to join in.

Some replies below.



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

                      "Monica Martin"                                                                                       
                      <mmartin@certivo.        To:       Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM@IBMUS                                    
                      net>                     cc:       "Monica Martin" <mmartin@certivo.net>                              
                                               Subject:  Sachs 8/26/2002: [ebxml-cppa-negot] Negotiation Descriptor         
                      08/26/2002 11:25          Document                                                                    

I think I received some of my answers by reviewing the excerpt on
resending a previous offer or counter offer.

Have you generalized the counter pending offer to include the situation
where a previous counter offer will be reconsidered?  Do you have set
parameters for this part of the process?

MWS:  That is precisely the proposal that I posted to the list.  So far,
no one has responded except you (today). The point of my proposal was
to show a way to put the previous offer on the table by giving the
party that submitted it the initiative to submit the same one again.

What if multiple portions of previous counter offers are compiled as a
viable counter offer - how can you encompass all of those if they are
mutually exclusive to themselves and not the latest counter offer (some
of parts)?

MWS:  In my view, what you are describing constitutes a new counter offer
that could be submitted by either party. It would be up to the party
compiling the new counter offer from the previous ones to resolve any
mutual exclusivity.

MWS:  Understand that for Version 1, the subteam wanted a fairly simple
protocol.  That means submitting counter offers sequentially, one at a
time with only one party having initiative to send a counter offer at
any time.  Only one counter offer can be on the table at any time.
We also ruled out going back over previously agreed-to items.

You talk about conditionally accepted.  How do you determine what is
conditionally accepted, as the unit of work is still "in work?"

MWS:  "Conditionally accepted" refers to the counter offer
that the party is responding to, not to the
finished CPA. Its main purpose is to signal the other party that I want
to put his previous counter offer back on the table.  Note also that the
unit of work that is still open is the whole negotiation dialogue. The
transaction that transmitted a counter offer is closed as soon as the
response to it takes place. I picked the term
"Conditionally accepted" because the idea is that the party
might be interested in the other party's
last counter offer but the first party wants
to take another look at an earlier one before deciding.
I am more than happy to consider a proposal for a new name (or even a
different method). As I said, this is one of several questions I posted
that have yielded no responses other than yours today.


             -----Original Message-----
             From: Martin W Sachs
             Sent: Mon 8/26/2002 8:38 AM
             To: Monica Martin
             Subject: RE: [ebxml-cppa-negot] Reminder - no call Aug. 28.


             The NDD definition is one of the major work items that we are
waiting for.
             There is an old brief description but it doesn't have too much
in it.

             Please ask your questions.  They might stimulate useful



             Martin W. Sachs
             IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
             P. O. B. 704
             Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
             914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
             Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
             Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com


"Monica Martin"
<mmartin@certivo.        To:       Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
net>                     cc:       "Monica Martin" <mmartin@certivo.net>
Subject:  RE: [ebxml-cppa-negot] Reminder - no call Aug. 28.
08/26/2002 09:19
             Is there an update NDD specification or description?  I've
             Jean's submittal but have a few questions about Counter Offer


                          -----Original Message-----
                          From: Martin W Sachs
                          Sent: Mon 8/26/2002 7:18 AM
                          To: ebxml-cppa-negot@lists.oasis-open.org
                          Subject: [ebxml-cppa-negot] Reminder - no call

                          The negotiation team will NOT have a conference
call Aug. 28.

                          The next call is Wed. Sept. 4 at 3 pm US Eastern.
Please be
             prepared to
                          dicuss Jean's message content document.  Some
discussion on
             list server
                          prior to Sept. 4 would also be helpful in moving
the project



                          Martin W. Sachs
                          IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
                          P. O. B. 704
                          Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
                          914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
                          Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
                          Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com


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