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ebxml-cppa-negot message

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Subject: Re: [ebxml-cppa-negot] updated message content



Thanks.  I was not aware of that tool.

The situation is this:  If I prepare a CPA template to send you and it is
mostly based on the CPA template that you put in the registry, there are
two different things going on:
   I tell you in the NDD what is negotiable.
   I may have also modified other information from your CPA template but
   not made those items negotiable (not included in the NDD).

It's (2) that I hand in mind in my original suggestion. A diff tool will
give the combination of 1 and 2, which is probably sufficient.

However there is another answer which this discussion awakened in me.
Perhaps when I receive an offer, I should forget about what I might have
published as a CPA template and simply analyze the offer. In that case, my
original suggestion is not useful.

Is anyone else looking?



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

                      <linkage@interacc        To:       Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM@IBMUS                                    
                      ess.com>                 cc:       ebxml-cppa-negot@lists.oasis-open.org, Jean Zheng <jzheng@vitria.  
                                                com>, Monica Martin <mmartin@certivo.net>                                   
                      08/29/2002 03:09         Subject:  Re: [ebxml-cppa-negot] updated message content                     

From: Martin W Sachs
> What do you mean by "diff"?  If you mean the Unix diff, the last time
> used it, lt did a character by character compare, which is not what we
> here.

I meant XML diff.  See below.

> Is there an "XML" diff, which can identify functional differences  and
> ignore the kinds of low-level differences that don't matter (e.g.
> spelling differences in text fields that are for human information
> If so, and if it is a well-known program, then maybe we can skip
> the list of changes in the message.


Google has lots more, but I thought I'd reference
your cohorts.

> As to your second question, if you send me a list of changes and I
> trust you, I will do the detailed analysis anyway and call you a liar
if I
> find a discrepancy. If people feel that the sender's list of changes
> generally be trusted, then we might as well leave the list of changes
> of the specification.  Of course, if I can't trust you, it doesn't
> sense to negotiate with you at all.

It's easy to make a mistake.
I'm honorable, but not always precise...

-Bob Haugen

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