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ebxml-cppa-negot message

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Subject: was OASIS ebXML CPPA - WSPL PresentationUpdate

Hi Anne Anderson

Thanks for taking your time to introduce WSPL to the ebXML CPA Negotiation

I was looking at your slides and have some questions:

Slide 12 (Disjunctive Normal Form):

Can Predicates be combined other than with logical ANDs, such as ors,
nors, xors and grouping?

Can a rule look as the following:

("Predicate1" AND "Predicate2") OR "Predicate 3"

or is it constraint to "OR" of "AND"s as shown on the slide?

Slide 13 (Predicates):

Do Predicate operators always return a boolean value?

Slide 15 (Policy merging (1)):

Must rules, which are going to be merged, have the same perdicates?
And must those rules have the same rule logic (relates to quesiton of
slide 12)?

Slide 16 (Policy merging (2)):

Are mergers always AND mergers?

Slide 18 (Policy merging (4)):

The predicates of the rule must be ANDed (also relates to slide 12 question)?

Kind regards


PS: Anne, Moncia, sorry for receiving the email at least 3 times

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