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Subject: Schema modifications for support of ActionContext2 and tracking Role through ComplexBusinessTransactionActivities as well as CollaborationActivities. Two main questions at end.

The general CPPA 3.0 extensibility approach is to exploit substitution groups, while preserving the complex type structures of version 2 cpp or cpa instances


When using substitution groups, the alternatives must have a type that is a subtype of the substitutable element’s type (the “substitution group head’s type”)


One design impact of this constraint when applied to refactoring an old schema is that the original version 2 element can be made a subtype of the actual substitution group head’s type. Then the head element can have a type that allows both the old element and the new element to be in the same substitution group. Following this procedure gives us greater flexibility for the extension points created version 3.0 schema.


So, the following alternatives are proposed to accommodate ActionContext2 to track the choreographic context of a reference in a BusinessTransactionActivity to a  BusinessTransaction pattern.


The point for ActionContext extensibility is currently within the ActionBindingType or FlatActionBindingType


So for the old ActionBindingType we have in the content model the extension point “ActionContextHead” [ActionContextHead is actually declared abstract and cannot occur in a valid instance. Only elements in the substitution group of ActionContextHead (that satisfy the subtype constraints) can occur in an instance. The two non-abstract elements in the substitution group are named “ActionContext” and “ActionContext2”]

(Diagrams from Oxygen)



So, ActionContext retains its version 2 type.




while ActionContext2 is tentatively



Aside from the differences in attributes, note that the CollaborationLevelHead has been introduced as an extension point within ActionContext2. Note that at the moment the schema does not alter ActionContext to permit substitution group extensions.


The CollaborationLevel element (in the substitution group of CollaborationLevelHead) is used to track “nesting” arising from reuse of BusinessCollaborations (using the CollaborationActivity element) or to track nesting (of the BTA) arising from use of ComplexBusinessTransactionActivities.



At each level, at present, only the name of the BusinessCollaboration or the ComplexBusinessTransactionActivity is recorded as a trace of the nesting.


First question for the TC: should we add any more information to the level?


Final question for the TC:  is the use of the role attribute value (in ActionContext2) now sufficient to capture the role value in the context of the BTA’s Performs assignment?


There are also some minor other issues that might come up depending on how the first two questions are resolved. For example, should we put CollaborationActivity into a substitution group with CollaborationLevel (and then allowing them to be mixed in the track of the nesting?)











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