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Subject: [ebxml-iic] Next IIC telecon + some news (resending)

Title: Next IIC telecon + some news (resending)


(Resending this as I am not sure my previous mail went through...)
Two topics in this email:

1. Reminder for the call this Monday (note that it takes place at 10am, not 9am anymore)
Host: XMLGlobal
Date: Monday May 6, 2002
Time: 10:00AM PDT, 1:00PM EDT
Number: 1-888-809-4060, intl. 1-416-640-4861
Meeting #: 835639
On the agenda:

1 - Conformance test suite for MS. (Matt, Mike)
 (Overall structure of Test Cases, test validation, XML tools involved).
2 - Interoperability test suite: review (Prakash, Steve)
3 - Drummond Group donation of its Interoperability Test Suite. IPR aspects. Press release.
4 - Implementation guidelines
5 - Barcelona meetings (Jeff)
6 - Coordination with other Test areas (RegRep...)
2. Drummond Group (DGI) contacted us as well as OASIS (Karl & Patrick) with a proposal:

>"Drummond Group Inc. has decided to donate the test suites,i.e. the individual
>test suites outlined in this document,
>from our last round of ebXML messaging vs 2.0 Interoperability
>Testing to the ebXML IIC to assist Interoperability efforts worldwide.

>We are contributing this information with free use.
>We ask that Drummond Group Inc. be given credit in the IIC document
>produced from this information. We are not claiming IP on this information.

>We, however, do consider the DGI Interoperability Processes (tm) proprietary.
>And, to that end, we do not want to see future statements on use by companies
>stating that they self-tested using the "Drummond Group Inc. test suites." 
>We do not want our name mentioned by companies without participating in our programs.

>Given this, we have attached a release we would like to
>release Tuesday May 7, 2002 stating our alignment with the IIC.
>We look forward to your comments..."


Given the full release of IP rights on this material (detail of interop test cases data)
from DGI, I will pass it right away to our Interop team (MS ITTF).
ITTF (and IIC) still needs of course to decide how - and how much - we can
reuse from this material in our final Interop test Suite for MS, given
the particular test process we envision (emphasizing automation).
This is something I mentioned to Rick Drummond, who understands this quite well.

I personally think this is quite a positive move from DGI, and I welcome it:
This is a step forward in establishing a common, "open" interop test suite used
by all parties, and implemented/facilitated in diverse ways, that would benefit
Designing the "right" test suite for MS Interoperability certainly
requires a good understanding of user requirements and of their usage profiles
(unlike a COnformance test suite, for which the standard itself is the main
guideline and reference), and DGI has the right experience for this.
Among a few related aspects to address this Monday:
- the notion of "test process" (vs. test data).
- the nature of IIC output: Test Cases (data), and an (original) process to run these.
- press release DGI is planning for this Tuesday (see some quote below)


jacques Durand

"... DGI... announces that the next round of ebXML Messaging v2.0 Interoperability testing under the
Uniform Code Council's (UCC) Global Solution Interoperability Testing Program is targeted to begin June 2002. 
Facilitated by Drummond Group Inc., the program will test product interoperability issues around the
ebXML Messaging Specification V2.0 in coordination with the supporting technical committees within OASIS.  
For more information on the UCC program, please review: <http://www.uc-council.org/news/ne_interoperability.html>
Test scenarios will align with the OASIS Interoperability and Conformance Committee's conformance guidelines
as they are become available. Given the recent IBM announcement claiming patent rights for CPP and CPA concepts,
 each vendor can decide independently without impact to other participants whether to include these components. 
Additional future tests are planned for other specifications within the ebXML suite.

Drummond Group Inc. facilitated a similar interoperability test for ebXML messaging v2.0
earlier this year with four vendors participating: bTrade inc., Cyclone Commerce, Sterling Commerce and Sybase. 
These vendors will be asked to participate with the new test group to ensure alignment of interoperability across all vendors.  ..."

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