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Subject: Re: [ebxml-iic] [suggest] Sublist name change
mmmh... I am concerned that would fragment further
our discussion threads, which are far from overloaded yet.
I thought actually that even today, the traffic on our lists would still allow for
just using the main IIC list... (thus forcing our subscribers to be more aware of our material :)
Would these sub-lists, at least, go cross ebXML specs?
(e.g. iic-conform would handle MS + RegRep + BPSS + CPA...)
-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew MacKenzie [mailto:matt@xmlglobal.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 1:50 PM
To: ebxml-iic@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ebxml-iic] [suggest] Sublist name change
I would like to suggest a couple of changes to our internal structure.
Currently, we have the parent list - ebxml-iic, and ebxml-iic-msg. I
suggest that we bring our lists inline with the recent evolution of our
work output and activities as follows:
|_ ebxml-iic-framework (conformance and interop framework)
|_ ebxml-iic-conform (conformance specific discussion)
|_ ebxml-iic-interop (interoperability specific discussion)
|_ ebxml-iic-comments (venue for test requirement comments to be sent
in a standard form)
This would be a good topic for the upcoming teleconference.
Matthew MacKenzie
XML Global R&D
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