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Subject: Re: about test suite in KwareSoft

   Thank you for raising this issue regarding <VerifyContent> evaluation of message(s) returned by the <Filter> operation.  My interpretation for writing the XPath expression as you described was that I was verifying that a <mime:Message> was found in the resulting NodeList whose <soap:Envelope> has  a namespace-uri of http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'
    As I understand your interpretation, you are saying that the <mime:Message> has already been "found" by the <Filter>, therefore why not evaluate the <soap:Envelope> of that message ( or the first message that matches this XPath expression ), rather than appearing to again filter <mime:Message>s.
   I believe that we are both "correct" in that both XPath expressions will yield a "true" result if a message is found in the filtered NodeLIst of messages, where the <soap:Envelope> namespace matches that which we specify.
   Is this just a case of semantics?  I believe that it is.  If so, perhaps the IIC group can decide which is a better semantic approach to verifying results.. since I use this approach in the majority of Test Cases in this Executable Test Suite.  It would be fairly easy to modify the Executable Test Suite to have a more specific XPath expression.
PS - I am posting my response to the IIC group so that all future discussion of the Test Framework and Test Suites
is visible to all.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 5:55 AM
Subject: about test suite in KwareSoft

I am testing TestSuite.
I find some mistakes, for example, "mime:Container -> mime:MessageContainer".
And, in below example...
<ebTest:GetMessage ebTest:description="Correlate returned message">
    <ebTest:Filter>/TEST:MessageStore/mime:Message[mime:MessageContainer[1]/soap:Envelope/soap:Header/eb:MessageHeader[eb:Action='Mute' and eb:CPAId='mshc_Basic' and eb:ConversationId=$ConversationId and eb:MessageData/eb:RefToMessageId=$RefToMessageId]]</ebTest:Filter>
     <ebTest:TestAssertion ebTest:description="Verify that SOAP envelope element is properly namespace qualified">
Because "mime:Message" is found by Filter, "/mime:Message[mime:MessageContainer[1]~]]" is replaced by "mime:MessageContainer[1][~]" in VerifyContent.
How do you think?

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