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Subject: Re: [ebxml-iic] edits for GetMessage() op

Title: edits for GetMessage() op
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 7:05 PM
Subject: [ebxml-iic] edits for GetMessage() op


Some proposed additions in the section below (in bold). Please update if not correct.
Should the Filter of a GetMessage() op produce a "Result" element containing the resulting node-set?


Semantics of the GetMessage operation

A fundamental aspect of the GetMessage operation is its behavior and effect over the Message Store. 
The Message Store is an XML document object that contains an XML representation of all synchronous and asynchronously received ebXML messages for a Test Case. The received messages for a particular Test Case MUST persist in the Message Store  for the life of the Test Case. Messages in the Message Store MAY contain all MIME, SOAP and ebXML or other types of message content, represented as an XML document.  The particular XML representation of a message in the Message Store is based upon an  a "best practice" schema for representing a particular message type.  If the messages being stored are ebXML messages using HTTP transport and a SOAP envelope, the XML format of the Message Store document MUST validate against the ebXMLMessageStore.xsd schema in appendix D.

The GetMessage Filter sub-operation queries the Message Store document object, and retrieves (by default) the XML content that satisfies the XPath expression specified in its Filter child element.  As the MessageStore is updated every time a new message comes in, a GetMessage() operation will automatically execute as often as needed, until either (1) its Filter selects and returns a non-empty node-set, or (2) the timeout (stepDuration) expires.

[MIKE] - suggest adding:

 A TestPreCondition and/orTestAssertion sub-operation ( which also contain a single XPath query) query the resulting document object constructed from the node-list generated by a GetMessage Filter operation. That document object to be examined by a TestPreCondition of TestAssertion action MUST have a root element with a name of test:Result ( as defined in the Result schema in Appendix XX).   If the Test Driver is unable to create a Result document object because the resulting node-list contains any XML content other than elements ( such as an attribute list), then the Test Driver MUST generate an exception, and terminate the Test Case with a result of "undetermined".  (i.e. if the XPath query does not return XML content that can be built into a document object, then it cannot be further examined with XPath in the TestPreCondition or TestAssertion operations)


            All the message items available for querying, are children of the MessageStore element. The Xpath expression in the Filter will typically select all the /MessageStore/Message elements that satisfy the filter, and these will be consolidated as children of a Result element, available for further querying, e.g. by the TestAssertion operation.

            The messages that have been selected by a GetMessage() operation are (suggest remove the word 'normally'.. sounds ambiguous) "invisible" to future Getmessage() operations in the same test case, unless the "mask" attribute is set to "false" (default is "true"). A GetMessage() operation will execute over all messages in the message store for this test case, except those messages that have been masked by a previous GetMessage() operation.  [MIKE] - My interpretation of what you are saying here ( and what will be necessary to implement) is that there will have to be 2 MessageStores ( this would seem the only efficient way to make this transparent to the test writer ).  If I do a <GetMessage mask="true"> ( the default ) then any messages that contain a node in the returned nodelist are "moved" to the "masked" MessageStore after the <GetMessage> operation.  This is a bit tricky ( will require the Test Driver to traverse "back up" the document tree to the root <MessageStore> element, and copy the <Message>(s) that contain the matching node-set node(s) and delete them from the "unmasked" MessageStore. and add them to the "masked" MessageStore.  This will be a bit time-consuming for the Test Driver ( unless the default is mask="false".. a more likely scenario in testing I think ).   Also.. there is the issue of "side-effects".   Since the MessageStore is a "global" data resource, available to any concurrently running Thread... "masking" (i.e. deleting) messages that may be needed by a concurrently running GetMessage operation would introduce problems unless the test writer is aware of them.  Lastly, I would hope that "masking" would not require "unmasking". If so, then we need to introduce another operation called <Unmask> to move the messages back to the "unmasked" MessageStore.  Do implementers see this (masking) as a necessary function?  I think that we may be able to satisfy the need to mask by simply assigning parameter values (e.g. messageCount="5").. and if a subsequent GetMessage operation returns 10 messages, then a <TestAssertion>//Message[count() =5] would fail... without the need to "mask"messages so that our count is set to "0".  Comments from implementers?




Examples of use:

            If one wants to verify that within 300 seconds, exactly 5 messages with MessageId="123" have been received, then the test case should first wait 300 sec before executing GetMessage(). This is done with a "Sleep" operation. The Sleep operation (not step) must be followed by a GetMessage() operation (not step) with a Filter selecting any message with MessageId="123", and a stepDuration of a few seconds at most . The TestAssertion Xpath expression will finally verify that the resulting node-set contains 5 message elements.

            If one wants to verify that within 300 seconds, at least one messages with DocumentType="PurchaseOrder" has been received, then it is sufficient to use a GetMessage() test step with a stepDuration of 300 sec, and a Filter selecting DocumentType=" PurchaseOrder". This would succeed as soon as a PurchaseOrder message is received.

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