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Subject: Re: One point to clarify

  I'm posting this to the list as you suggested.  My comments are [MIKE2]
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: One point to clarify

   More inline
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 4:28 PM
Subject: RE: One point to clarify

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kass [mailto:michael.kass@nist.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 10:51 AM
To: Jacques Durand
Subject: Re: One point to clarify

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 1:17 PM
Subject: RE: One point to clarify

This is precisely the issue:
will be true in the two following cases:
(a)- there are messages selected by filter, but none with an ErrorList.
(b)- there were no messages selected by filter, because it timed-out.
Si I guess what we would write if we want the expr to be true only in case of (a), is:
Would that work?
[MIKE] - I think that your above query would acutally do the opposite.. meaning it is counting the number of Messages that DO NOT
have an ErrorList present [count()=0].  So it could conceivably evaluate to "true" (pass), if if finds any message at all that does not contain an ErrorList, which is not our intent if we want to invoke the default behavior of the TestAssertion>
[Jacques Durand] actually my query path didn't make sense...(the count()!=0 is superfluous)   By the way, a "true" value here means
that the XPath returns a non-empty node-set as result.
I should have written my XPath Filter
[MIKE] - This query returns  a boolean "true/false" result .   The boolean result is determined by the "count()" function.
This query counts the number Messages having an "eb:ErrorList" present somewhere in the message ( I could have been more specific where.. but this
suffices for the explanation) . If the count()=0, then the VerifyContent result is "true", and the TestAssertion passes (default behavior).  Meaning..
if NO Messages containing an ErrorList are found in the FilterResult.. then the TestAssertion passes.
[Jacques Durand] All this is based on this interpretation:
- if this XPath has produced a non-empty node-set, the assertion evaluates to "true".
[MIKE2] - I believe that use of the "count()=0" function does not produce a node-set object.. but produces a "boolean" object result   Not all XPath queries produce a node-set.  Some XPath expressions produce a number, or a string, or a boolean objectas their result.  I believe a non-empty string results in a "true" result.  A boolean object result of "true" creates a final XPath query result of "true".  A number returns true if "it is neither a positive nor negative ZERO or a NAN" . (Please see section of the current Test Framework document for a description of the different types of objects that can be returned by an XPath query.)   So... what this means for this particular TestAssertion ( I think ) is that we are doing a boolean evaluation count()=0 on the number of Message elements that contain an ErrorList
- if this XPath has produced  an empty node-set, the assertion evaluates to "false" .
[MIKE2] - I agree , if we are producing a node-set object as the result object.  But I believe we are producing a boolean result object here (because of the predicate count()=0 )  If the predicate were simply count(), the result would be a number.  If the predicate were simply [//eb:ErrorList], the  result would be a node-set.  So the semantic result of the query below would be a boolean one, with a result of "true" (if count()=0) or "false" (if count()!=0).  And this would satisfy our TestAssertion without the need for any additional semantic paramters (such as empty="true").
So in the present case, at the time we evaluate teh XPath, we want a positive outcome (true) if either (1) no messages received, (2) messages received but with no ErrorList. But in case (2), the above XPath would not produce any node set... which means "false".
One simple way to deal with this corner case (emptyness of filter result) is  to write something like:
<VerifyContent empty="true">/FilterResult/Message[//eb:ErrrorList][count()=0]</VerifyContent>
what do you think?
[MIKE2] - I think that we need to verify the semantics of our expression before we determine if we need to introduce more operators into an already complex syntax.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kass [mailto:michael.kass@nist.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 9:32 AM
To: Jacques Durand
Subject: Re: One point to clarify

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 10:03 PM
Subject: One point to clarify

One more point to clarify :

3) Do we need to define a "stepDurationFail" Test Driver parameter ? Agree we don't BUT:

Now, shouldn't we have a more explicit way to test the emptiness of a filter result (e.g. an explicit built-in

boolean function like "emptyResult") ? We should, because regular TestAssertion conditions on the result messages

will not have an intuitive meaning. They usually assume that there is at least one message in the result buffer.

If this result set is empty, teh testAssertion outcome is unclear: e.g. verifying that no message filtered has

a particular header element: "NOT(//mymessage/myelement)" what if the filter result is empty? is that a "true" or a "false"?

So it seems we need a primitive to test this. (Of course, we could use "count()" to test the number of messages...

but for convenience shouldn't we have something much shorter like above boolean built-in?)


[MIKE] - I think the easiest way to code this is:





<TestAssertion description="Verify that no ErrorList element is present">




Using your StepDurationFail parameter:





<TestAssertion description="Verify that no ErrorList element is present using the StepDurationFail parameter">







I'll put it in the spec for with documentatio for the <Filter> element.




Also, could you post the OpenOffice draft on our site? (Or its PDF conversion?

it is very easy to export a PDF from OpenOffice )


[MIKE] - I just posted it ( tracking is turned on).  I added the 3 use cases, plus their normative representations in the Appendix.

Also, many small changes as we implemented here.    I'll post my response to the ETSI comments shortly.






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