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Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg-as4] Compression Simple Proposal

Title: Re: [ebxml-msg-as4] Compression Simple Proposal
So... your final assessment is a +1 for Ric's suggestion?

Moberg Dale wrote:
5320_1227050778_49234F1A_5320_269014_1_822DFF5CD1096F4AA656A0F90E903E910205CD79@wbe41.phx.us.sopra" type="cite">

I think the main obstacle is that the current mime types for compression do not really define a very good encapsulation approach like those found in S/MIME or for that matter in message/* types. Gzip, for example, has not even registered with IANA, and so we have things like application/x-gzip and related extension types. There is an application/zip but it looks encumbered to me.


We can use the ebMS 3 Property extension fields as you suggest. The only other somewhat standardized approach would be to encapsulate using the S/MIME plus CMS defined compression object, as done in Terry Harding’s internet draft for AS2 compression.


Of course for AS4 we would only use the pattern


No encryption, no signature






   This section shows the layers of an unsigned, unencrypted compressed

   message. The first line indicates that the MIME message conforms to

   RFCs 2822 and RFC 2045 with a Content-Type of application/pkcs7-mime.

   Within the pkcs7-mime entity is a compressed MIME entity containing

   the electronic business document. 


that is illustrated in the following example:


Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=compressed-data;  name=smime.p7z

Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=smime.p7z





Except we would not need or use base64 encoding when using HTTP as a transfer protocol.


That would be quite a mix of layers and technologies – S/MIME, CMS compression (with BER encoding of ASN.1 specified object), inside MIME and then referenced using a CID URL within XMLDsig for a signature. And there would be no message level encryption using xmldsig.


So, given the above and by comparison, using the ebMS 3 defined extension Properties seems almost elegant J


Dale Moberg



From: Ric Emery [mailto:remery@us.axway.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 7:42 AM
To: timothy@drummondgroup.com
Cc: ebxml-msg-as4@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg-as4] Compression Simple Proposal


Yes. Each attachment would get a PartInfo with a href attribute that has a value that is the Content-ID URI of the attachment.
Honestly I am a bit mixed about this approach to identifying the attachment’s original mime-type and character set. If someone has suggestions with how to deal with this case in the attachment’s mime headers I would like to hear the idea.
The main advantage of my proposal is that the compression can be handled completing outside of the SOAP Processing. Meaning that the implementation would be very simple.

On 11/17/08 9:00 PM, "Timothy Bennett" <timothy@drummondgroup.com> wrote:

If there are multiple compressed payloads attached, would there be multiple eb:PartInfo elements to describe each compressed payload, and does the href attribute uniquely describe and distinguish which payload?

Ric Emery wrote:

Below is what I had in mind for compression support in AS4. I would like to
keep the proposal simple - for both implementers and interoperability. As
such I only propose support for one compression scheme - GZIP. And do not
drastically alter the SOAP with Attachments Packaging. The scheme below
should be easy to implement without needing to modify existing SOAP stacks.
The ebMS processor should be able to handle the compression/decompression
operations on its own.

Ric Emery


Application payloads that are built in conformance with the SOAP Messages
with Attachments [SOAPATTACH] specification may be compressed. Compression
of the SOAP envelope and/or payload containers within the SOAP Body of an
ebMS Message is not supported.

To compress the payload(s) of a message build in conformance with the SOAP
Messages with Attachments [SOAPATTACH] specification
the GZIP compression algorithm MUST be used. Compression MUST be applied
before payloads are attached to the SOAP Message. The content type of the
compressed attachment MUST be "application/gzip".

When compression, signature and encryption are required of the MSH, the
message MUST be compressed prior to being signed and/or encrypted.

A eb:PartInfo/eb:PartProperties/eb:Property/@name=
"MimeType" value is RECOMMENDED to identify the mimetype of the payload
before compression was applied.

A eb:PartInfo/eb:PartProperties/eb:Property/@name=
"CharacterSet" value is RECOMMENDED to identify the character set of the
payload before compression was applied.

    <eb:PartInfo href="cid=foo@example.com" <mailto:cid=foo@example.com> >
            <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/xml</eb:Property>
            <eb:Property name="CharacterSet">utf-8</eb:Property>

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