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Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] RE: New Schema
Regarding Arvola's first comment and David's response: We have tried hard to avoid using the words OPTIONAL and NOT REQUIRED because these are RFC2119 keywords which mean that the element or attribute in question does not have to be implemented. Please see the note in section 4.2 of the CPP-CPA specification below the RFC2119 statement. Anyone who is not familiar with the definitions in RFC2119 should review it (It is very short). Regards, Marty ************************************************************************************* Martin W. Sachs IBM T. J. Watson Research Center P. O. B. 704 Yorktown Hts, NY 10598 914-784-7287; IBM tie line 863-7287 Notes address: Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM Internet address: mwsachs @ us.ibm.com ************************************************************************************* David Fischer <david@drummondgroup.com> on 10/24/2001 11:04:24 AM To: Arvola Chan <arvola@tibco.com> cc: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [ebxml-msg] RE: New Schema <df>comments in-line</df> Regards, David Fischer Drummond Group. -----Original Message----- From: Arvola Chan [mailto:arvola@tibco.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 7:23 PM To: David Fischer Cc: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: Re: New Schema David: I have updated the message header schema and requested the web master to post the file http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/schema/draft-msg-header-01.xs d (Please see the carbon copy message to the ebxml-msg alias of my request to Jeffrey Lomas if the posted file is not yet assessible.) In the course of this exercise, I have found a number of inconsistencies in the 1.05 draft. Sections 2.2.7 (id attributes -- I think this should be renamed id attribute to be consistent with the sibling sections), 2.2.8 (version attribute), 2.2.9 (SOAP mustUnderstand attribute) indicate that the id attribute is optional, the version attribute is required, and the SOAP mustUnderstand attribute is required. I am assuming that the above rules apply only to ebXML extension elements that are the immediate children of SOAP:Header. Thus, it is OK for the Manifest element not to have a SOAP mustUnderstand attribute. Similarly, since TraceHeaderList is not a child of SOAP:Header, its version attribute would not be required. <df> Yes, change attributes to attribute -- our convention has been to say REQUIRED in the text when it is required and not to say anything when optional. I won't guarantee that we are consistent on this.</df> Based on the above assumptions, I suggest the following clarifications and editorial changes to the spec: a.. Sections 2.2.10 and 2.2.11 should indicate that the SOAP actor attribute is used only in the AckRequested, Acknowledgment, and Via elements. <df>Someone may extend the spec and use this attribute.</df> b.. Always list the attributes id, version, mustUnderstand, and actor (where applicable) in front of all other elements or attributes when describing an extension element. <df>Agreed</df> c.. For each SOAP module, consistently reiterate that the id attibute is optional, the version attribute is required, the SOAP mustUnderstand attribute is required. <df>If you follow the links, this is already apparent. Why say the same thing over again?</df> d.. Section should indicate that the TimeToLive element is optional. e.. Section 4.2.2 should indicate the requirement/optionality of attributes. f.. Section should indicate that the location attribute is optional. g.. Section should be renamed xml:lang attribute. The attribute should be indicated as being optional. <df>Agreed</df> h.. Section 6.1 should include a SOAP mustUnderstand attribute and show the requirement/optionality of each attribute. <df>No. See next comment</df> i.. Section 6.2 should indicate that DeliveryReceipt has a required SOAP mustUnderstand attribute. <df>No. We don't want to stop a message just because we don't understand DeliveryReceiptRequested. Let's reserve errors/SOAP:Fault for real errors. I have no problem with sending back a "not supported" error with severity of "warning" as long as the message goes on.</df> j.. Section 6.2.2 should indicate that the Timestamp element is required. <df>Agreed</df> k.. Section 7.3.1 should indicate the requirement/optionality of attributes in AckRequested. <df>Follow the links. Since SOAP:actor has a default, I don't think it is required. Same comments below</df> l.. Section 7.3.3 should indicate the requirement/optionality of attributes in Acknowledgment. m.. Section should indicate Timestamp is required. The required RefToMessageId element should be described after Section <df>Agreed</df> n.. Section 8.2 is missing a SOAP mustUnderstand attribute and statement about the requirement/optionality of attributes. <df>Agreed.</df> o.. Section 8.3 is missing the version and SOAP mustUnderstand attributes and statement about the requirement/optionality of attributes. <df>I see version? Why have a SOAP:mustUnderstand on the reply? Not that it would hurt anything.</df> p.. There used to be Service and Action elements under Via. Why are they missing from section 11.1? <df>When we took CPAId off of Via we took Service and Action with it.</df> In general, I would prefer to see a clear indication of the requirement/optionality of each sub-element/attribute, in the overview description of an element, rather than inferring that information from the subsequent descriptions. <df>If everyone agrees to this change, I will go through and change everything.</df> -Arvola -----Original Message----- From: David Fischer <david@drummondgroup.com> To: Arvola Chan <arvola@tibco.com> Date: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:26 PM Subject: New Schema Arvola, Since the group voted to accept v1.05, could you go ahead and validate/post the new schema (I tried to make the appropriate changes)? Thanks, David Fischer Drummond Group. ---------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>
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