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Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] What Next?


RE: your points 2 and 5.

The IIC TC is quite far along in defining the requirements for being a 
"conformant" implementation of ebMS.  We will soon need ebxml-msg's help 
in verifying these requirements.  As for putting together a document 
describing a minimum implementation, I think this could really just be a 
readable summary of the required elements found in the conformance 
requirements we are working on.


Matt MacKenzie

On Wednesday, April 10, 2002, at 07:52  AM, ian.c.jones@bt.com wrote:

> Team,
> 	I hope you have all had a pleasant break over the last couple of
> weeks.  As the title says what do we do next?  It is up to you, but 
> here are
> some ideas to start with.
> 1 - we MUST capture, answer and resolve any question and issues during 
> the 3
> month public review of version 2.0
> 2 - The IIC TC would like to produce a conformance 
> test/suite/documentation
> for version 2.0, they will obvious need help from us to do this.
> 3 - The Business interface layer has never been written - do we need it?
> 4 - A primer/introduction to the messaging service
> 5 - A document to describe the minimum implementation.  This may be 
> linked
> to the IIC TC point above.
> Question: - Do we still have outstanding requirements that still need 
> to be
> addressed? i.e. a definable business need for them.
> 	Over to all of you for comments.
> Ian Jones
> Chair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC
> Email: ian.c.jones@bt.com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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Matthew MacKenzie
XML Global R&D
PGP Key available upon request.

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