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Subject: [ebxml-msg] OASIS ebXML-CPPA specification 1.9 Initial Public Review.

The OASIS ebXML CPPA Technical Committee has unanimously
approved an initial public review period for their version 1.9
core specification.

For this initial public review period-- which will last until
May 18, 2002--all received comments will be considered by
the Technical Committee; the committee will then include 
any changes motivated by the public comments that are received
in a final 2.0 version.

The Technical Committee will vote at the end of May whether
to make version 2.0 an approved Committee Specification of the Technical
Committee, and will also vote at that time, whether to submit the 2.0
specification for OASIS membership review and approval as an OASIS

In short, the technical committee is seeking the 
standards community's comments prior to OASIS membership
review so that any issues can be addressed in the
version submitted to the membership. The committee considers
the specification, and the accompanying schemas, to be 
essentially stable, and suitable for early implementation.
Comments from both analysts and implementers are being solicited.

The specification will soon be available at:


and comments should be sent to :


by May 18 if at all possible.

Dale Moberg, for the OASIS ebXML-CPPA TC

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