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Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Question about imprementation of MS specification torealbusiness


The page that the ERCOT URL in your email points to says nothing about use
of ebXML MS, and there is not an obvious link on that page that would point
to the ebXML information.  Can you provide another referece to the ebXML MS



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

                      Dick Brooks                                                                                            
                      <dick@systrends.c        To:       Yukinori Saito <y-saito@ecom.jp>, ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org    
                      om>                      cc:       NEC\\\)?E”g?l <m-iha@ak.jp.nec.com>, "EDIgr)H.Sugamata"             
                                                <sugamata@ecom.or.jp>, "EDIgr)K.Mizoguchi" <mizoguchi@ecom.or.jp>,           
                      05/15/2002 10:39          "EDIgr)K.Wakaizumi" <waka@ecom.or.jp>                                        
                      AM                       Subject:  RE: [ebxml-msg] Question about imprementation of MS specification   
                      Please respond to         to realbusiness                                                              

Yukinori Saito,

The organization that runs one of the largest Electric Grids in the United
States (ERCOT - http://www.ercot.com/), is replacing FTP with an ebXML MS
B2B solution. The ebXML software has recently passed ERCOT certification
testing and is moving into production operation. FTP is scheduled to be
completely eliminated by the end of 2002.

You can find more information about the FTP Replacement Project and the
ebXML MS solution used by ERCOT at:

The FTP Replacement Project/ebXML solution has been presented
as a case study for implementing ebXML within the Energy industry to
representatives from the following European and North American Energy
EFET - http://www.efet.org/
ETSO - http://www.etso-net.org/
EURELECTRIC - http://www.eurelectric.org/
NAESB - http://www.naesb.org/
UIG - http://www.uig.org/

NOTE: UIG has a liaison relationship with the Federation of Electric Power
Companies (FEPC) E3 group in Japan.

There are currently discussions underway to form a collaborative
European/North American effort to define B2B standards around ebXML. Feel
free to e-mail me privately if you would like more information about this

Dick Brooks
Systrends, Inc
7855 South River Parkway, Suite 111
Tempe, Arizona 85284
Web: www.systrends.com <http://www.systrends.com>

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Yukinori Saito [mailto:y-saito@ecom.jp]
      Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 12:59 AM
      To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
      Cc: NEC\)伊波様; EDIgr)H.Sugamata; EDIgr)K.Mizoguchi;
      Subject: [ebxml-msg] Question about imprementation of MS
      specification to realbusiness

      Dear Members of OASIS ebXML Messaging TC,

      Kasumi Co. Ltd. in Japan developed B2B system based on ebXML MS
      specification V1.0.
      The outline of this system is followings.
      (1) This system is EDI system between Retail and Maker.
      (2) This system is developed by NEC corporation. NEC corporation is
      famous IT vendor company in Japan.
      (3) Business documents
      -Retail: Purchase Order Prediction, Sales Information
      -Maker: Products Information, Sales Promotion Information, Sales
      (4) Reasons to adopt ebXML MS specification
      -This project recognized that ebXML will become an international
      -GCI (Global Commerce Initiative) announced that GCI will adopt ebXML

      (5) Scope of adoption of MS specification in this system
      -This system avoided vague part of MS specification V1.0. As a
      result, this
      system adopted same parts that is equivalent to  Core Extension of
      ebXML MS
      V2.0. The engineer of NEC corporation says it is appropriate that the
      V2.0 specification is divided to Core Extension and Options.
      -Adopted asynchronous communication method to have flexibility of
      -Devised and designed error handling procedures about errors of
      (6) Next step
      -Studying to upgrade to MS V2.0.
      -Studying to adopt CPA. Because there is close relationship between
      specification and CPPA specification.
      But the designer is thinking that there is no need to adopt CPP,
      they know all companies very much each other. This system will
      develop one
      common CPA in these EDI system.
      (7) This system is actually operating now as real business. This
      system has
      started real operation from November 2001. This system is the first
      that adopted ebXML MS specification to real business in Japan and in

      Does anyone has some information about following point?
      -Is this system the first case that adopted MS specification to real
      business in the world?
      -If anyone has some information that some companies or industries
      adopted MS
      specification in real business in West countries, please let me know.

      -If anyone has information about these, please let me know.

      Best Regards,
      Yukinori Saito
      Yukinori Saito
      Electronic Commerce Promotion Council of Japan (ECOM)
      E-mail: y-saito@ecom.jp
      Tel: +81-3-3436-7542    Fax: +81-3-3436-7570

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      manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>

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