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Subject: [ebxml-msg] BPSS 1.04 Announcement
The BPSS Project Team of the UN/CEFACT’s
Electronic Business Transition ad-hoc Working Group (eBTWG)
is announcing the release of its "ebXML Business
Process Specification Schema" (BPSS), Version 1.04, and corresponding XML
Schema for "Internal Review" under the UN/CEFACT Open Development
Process. Technical implementers,
interested industry experts, members of the eBTWG,
and other interested parties are encouraged to comment. This version of the
BPSS and subsequent revisions are targeted to become the "ebXML Business Process Specification Schema" (BPSS),
Version 2.00, after completing Public Review and Implementation Verification
review cycles. This review period ends The documents to be reviewed are: Specification Schema (BPSS) - Version
1.04, PDF Format, ebBPSS1.04.zip XML Schema for ebXML BPSS 1.04 - Version
1.04, XML/XSD, ebBPSS1.04.xsd.zip The documents are available at the following locations: http://www.geocities.com/ebtwg_bp/ http://www.collaborativedomain.com/standards/ In order to assist in the review and commenting, the
specification has each line start with a unique line number to allow placements
of comments against them. For each comment, reviewers shall provide the
specification's line number range, the comment itself, the rational for the
comment, suggestion for change, and target version. If you feel that the issue
must be addressed in BPSS 2.0, put "2.0." If it can be deferred to a later
version, put "2.x" or "3.0." If you do not have an opinion, leave
blank. A template for comments has been provided at the download sites (see
BPSS_v1.04_comments_yourname.zip); submissions in other standard readable
formats are acceptable (e.g. e-mail and plain text). After the end of the review period the project team will
review the comments, revise the working draft, and re-circulate it until the
reviewers are satisfied with the content. As changes are made, the updated
document and disposition log will be republished. This will allow everyone to
not only see the changes, but also the rational behind them and reasons for
suggestions that were not accepted. Sincerely, Brian S. Hayes Business Process Specification Schema Project Team Lead http://www.ebtwg.org/ |
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